Chapter-15 : Collaboration

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Zawad's P.O.V.


The call is received after 6 beeps.

"Assalamu Alaikum?" she says with bewilderment.

"Walaikum Salam. Hey don't you dare cut the call. I haven't talked to you for a week as you wanted! You can't be enraged with me now!"

"Whaaaaat????"she asks surprisingly.

"What what? You told me to avoid you as much as possible so that people don't misunderstand us, didn't you? I obeyed that for such a long time! At least now I do have the right to call you,don't I? Moreover there is a strong reason too."


"Aaaaaaaahh,"I hear a piercing howl, "Excuse me??? Who are you???? Are you dating my sis???? Oh my goodness!!!! She didn't tell me about you even once!!! Ya Allah! Now I understand why she was so upset about her matrimonial matters!!! You are the reason she refused to marry Rahat bhai!!!"

What the...!!! I start coughing embarrassingly. Both the sisters sound exactly the same..!

"Ummm...Who are you actually? Shayba's sister??"I ask clumsily.

"Yes! Who are you??? Sis's boyfriend?"

I laugh to make the awkward situation normal. "No no no! I'm just her senior!!"

"Liar! A senior never talks like that to his younger ones!"

"Like what?"

" so much admiration!
Why did you tell her not to be angry with you,huh?? Why did you allude that you didn't talk to her for a week which is a R-E-A-LLY long time for you,huh huh huh??? What's the reason behind all these cheesy talks???"

Man! She is obstinate!

"Look it's a long story,ok? I'll tell you later if you have this much interest in us. But now tell me what were you talking about before? Who is Rahat bhai?"

"Ohh hoooo!!!! Jealous,huh?? This proves even more that you two are in a relationship. I can't believe sis didn't tell me anything about you!!! How could she do that???? Man, are you handsome???"

"What??? Yes I think I look like Tom Cruise and your sis didn't tell you anything about me because there is NOTHING going on between us,ok?? Just trust me for the sake of Allah and answer my question... Pleeease!"I beg.

"Why should I Mr. Tom Cruise? Who are you? You just said that you are not her boyfriend. Then you don't need to know all these personal matters, right??"

This girl!!!! Why did she receive my call in the first place?

"What's your name? Hmm???"she again enquires.

"I believe my name is saved on your sister's phone."I answer acting a bit sagacious.

"Ahh... Let me have a look. Wait,it's named "Headache". Is that you? Sis was complaining yesterday that she got a headache. Maybe she was thinking about you..!"

"WHAT?????? How could she save my number with something like that????"

"Awww.... Hurt,huh???"

"Isn't that obvious???"

"Well maybe she didn't want other people to know about you two's love life!"

"Hold your horses girl. What love life are you talking about?"

"Chill man! This number is actually saved as Zawad bhai. No need to get upset." saying this, she starts laughing hysterically.

What is wrong with this girl!?!? I never thought she was examining my reaction!!

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