Chapter-20 : Flam?

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Shayba's P.O.V.

"Ticket? For what? Are we going back to Bangladesh?"

Listening to my question, Zawad bhai jointly with Rafsan bhai only smiled mysteriously.

"WHAAAT??? Are you two guys going to spill it out or not?" I was too impatient already to wait another second.

Suddenly he knocks on my door at 7 in the morning saying he has got us some tickets inside the envelope in his hand. I mean tickets for what? Where are we going? Weren't we supposed to go to the Madam Tussaud's today?

Medha apu was now impatient too. "Just tell us where we are going Zawad bhai! Oh no! Wait! Let me guess! Is it Switzerland by any chance?!" her widened eyes shimmered.

"Lol! NO!" Rafsan bhai started to laugh out loud hearing her.

"Don't you dare laugh at me Rafsan. How am I supposed to know what tickets you brought in this envelope??" she glared.

"Okay actually not us, only Zawad bhai brought it. This was sent addressing him today morning. Now guess what's insiiiiide?" he grinned showing all his 32 pieces of teeth.

A letter was sent to him? Today morning? Carrying tickets? Oh Allah! Suddenly my heart stopped beating as every piece of puzzle just fitted into the place. Can it be? My eyes expanded so much that it almost seemed to fall off. "Ya Allah! Is it what I'm thinking?!?!" I yelled.

And Zawad bhai's smile broadened all over his face. "Yes perhaps!"

"Oh gosh! Oh gosh! Oh gosh! Are we really going to the final round?!?!" I squeaked out incessantly bouncing on the floor.

"Ummm... well..... "he pretended to recall something making me even more nervous to the point, "YES!"

"Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!"I screamed with all my heart and started shaking Medha apu. She still couldn't believe what was going on in front of her eyes. "Alhumdulillah! Alhumdulillah! Alhumdulillah! Oh Allah I'm so happy!!!!" I hardly could calm myself down praising the Almighty.

"Zawad bhai are you serious?" Medha apu nervously asked.

He smiled again. "Yes Medha."

Then it was time for her to bawl out of happiness."I can't believe this! Oh God! I'm so happy!!!!"

"Wooohooo!! Finale!!!"Rafsan bhai joined her too.

"But how??? We couldn't even answer it properly!"

"Who said we couldn't? It wasn't just enough for finale. We came 6th in place." Zawad bhai solemnly answered.

Huh? What?

"Then how come we made it????? They were supposed to take only five teams in the final round right??"

"Hmmm. But the fact is the Spanish team was boycotted yesterday night. But as our luck would have it, we got promoted to the final round." a grave look fell on his face.

I mean seriously? This is how we got selected??

"Anyway, now as we are finally selected for the finale, let's put our best in it now, okay?" he added shaking off all the negative thoughts.

"Yes Bhai!" they all gave a fist punch while I smiled from aside.

Alhumdulillah for everything.....! If Allah wrote it in our fate to attend the Final round, there will definitely be ways to make it happen. Anyhow.

The next two days were spent total nerdy. Waking up at 6 and then completing usual morning jobs like breakfast and everything else within 7:30, and then sitting for studies. At noon, a break for lunch, bath, prayer and refreshments and then again sitting with lecture copies and books. Then in the afternoon, a refreshment walk from outside and thereafter once again studying. Zawad bhai in no way is going to spare us anymore.

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