Chapter-42 : I love you

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Zawad's P.O.V.

I fixed my hair with some wax and then put on the best perfume I had. There. I am ready. Let's go bring her home!

By home, I mean our real home. Yes, the one in Chittagong. We are flying there today when the program ends, so our schedule was not like the typical wedding programs, it had to match with the next flight from Dhaka to Chittagong. Though the journey is of only thirty minutes, it is going to be tiring as hell. First the ceremony in the hall, then driving to the airport, then flying to Chittagong and then again driving to our home. I just hope we can at least talk in private for some time before she falls asleep.

I couldn't control my excitement, I was so happy that I failed miserably to stop grinning like an idiot. My mom obviously noticed and smirked while looking into the mirror. "Make sure, you are gentle with her. Don't make her uncomfortable when she comes to this unknown place for the very first time."

"Oh, c'mon mom! What do you think I am? I know how to treat a woman."

"Just reassuring." she fixed her sharee and looked at me, "Ready to go?"

My friends are already here to pick me up. Today is a big day. Wooh! My apartment is a mess. As all of my belongings have already been moved to my native place, it's empty now. I will hand over the keys of this apartment within this week.

As mom commanded, our home in Chittagong is fully decorated to welcome the bride. If everything was normal as before, Mahmud Bhai would take care of everything and we wouldn't have to worry so much. But now nothing is same anymore. We personally have to deal with every single detail and I think it's good for us, not leaving everything on someone who isn't even family.

Thankfully my uncle and his family is there to supervise everything and they made sure i received pictures of all the corners of my home. They have embellished the place with flowers here and there to bring a festive look. After talking to them on phone, informing them about the time of our arrival once again, I headed to the car.

The car was also decorated with flowers. I felt an unusually shy feeling getting all the attention on me. I wonder how she is doing. I believe I'll have a crush on her again when I see her tonight.

When we reached the hall, there were a lot of people, mostly her friends and cousins though. I don't remember all the names, but I do recognize the faces. They stopped me at the gate again like the previous day. Oh Allah! Just let me see her, okay?

So I started bargaining and those little evils clearly understanding my desperation, made a great deal of fun of me. I'm going to complain about them to Shayba. They cost me another big bundle of money to let me go see my wife.

I felt like dazed when I walked to the stage. Unnecessary to say, I couldn't forget about the previous time I walked to the hall like this. First time is the charm - people say. I guess they are right. No matter how better things are in the next times, you just cannot forget about your first experience. Brushing off the bad aura from my shoulders, I went up to the stage and took my seat beside her.

She was wearing a bright red sharee, with her dupatta all over her head and a niqab hiding her face. So this time she came the way she wanted. I smiled. All the lights and flashes were turned onto her and onto me capturing our meeting here. She looked at me with a happy glint in her eyes that made me aww inside.

"Hi!"I grinned.
"Assalamu Alaikum."she chuckled.
"Ah yes, old habits die hard, don't they?"
"Just reply to my salam, will you?"
"Walaikumus Salam. You look amazing, Mrs."
"Liar. You haven't even seen my face."
"I don't need to see it! I already know!"
She chuckled again.

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