Chapter-24 : Another Nuisance

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Shayba's P.O.V.

Ahhhhh at last!!! Done with exams..! Now a looooooong vacation is waiting for me.. Actually not that long. Just one month. I have the whole December in hand to spend a quality time with my family and old friends. The most important thing is, I'm going HOME....! No one except Nawsheen and Annaba can imagine how terribly I missed my homemade food and my personal bedroom. They have always been comforting me to stay strong and take everything positively.

Another good news is Annaba is done with her admission exams too and lucky she is, her dream of studying medical came true. She is soon going to join her medical college next year and for that, we definitely need to catch up as much as we can in this one month. Because who knows how busy our future life would be?

We have a department picnic in Coxs' Bazar at the end of the month to make the last few days memorable with the most senior batch a.k.a. Zawad bhai's batch. I am damn excited about this. Well obviously not because of him, but because it's my first picnic in my varsity life.

Mom has sent our car already that is waiting outside for me. I packed everything, literally everything such as my bedsheet, pillow covers, multiplug, curtain etc as I am going away from here for a long time. I need to wash all these raggery items that I used in this year. I completed all my packing yesterday to get things done quickly so that I can head out immediately after my exam is over. Now I just need to take my phone and purse and head to Banani.

Ahhhh mom's cooking, fridge filled with foreign chocolates, ice-cream and nutella, my own air conditioned room!!! My tongue is already dribbling thinking of these. I'm sick of eating hostel food everyday which are not even hygienic and Allah knows if they are halal or not because we can't see the background it comes from. I'm damn exhausted of eating the same routine food!

I found our driver waiting for me in front of the hall. He has been working for us since my being in the first grade of school. He adores the three of us siblings as if we were his own children. I am quite grateful to him now for watching over us whenever we went out though I despised it before because I didn't like it at all to be so cautious about my every move. I was angry with my mom for sending him as a spy behind us wherever and whenever we stepped out. But now it's evident that it was a duty for our own good that he had completed with due responsibilities.

When he discovered me in the black abaya, at once ran towards me only to snatch away the luggage from my hand, "Oh Allah, you don't have to carry that Shayba Ma. Why didn't you call me upstairs to bring it down??? Who told you to carry it by yourself?? You could have just called me and I would bring everything in an eye blink."

I chuckled at his allegations, "It's a girls' hostel, uncle. No male are allowed to go up." Then heard him mumbling something exasperating. Totally not happy with the circumstances huh? Poor fella!

Reaching home,I threw away my shoes in one side and bag on the other. I've already get rid of my niqab even before I steeped inside my house. Driver uncle said he will deliver my luggage to my room, so I don't need to worry about it either. Hence being completely carefree, I ran upstairs to meet my family. Ohhhh I'm sooo happy to finally be back home!!!

Mom and Anu seemed to be waiting for me for hours. Therefore after completing the inevitable part of screaming, hugging and squeezing up each other, mom started to garnish the dining table with her lots of delicious cooking. "Oh we are so fortunate that you are back Shai! At least mom is cooking something good now for your sake!" Bhaiya teased mom as if she had kept them starve all these days. I chuckled.

"Oh really?? What did you eat last night?? And the day before that, huh?? Who ate the chicken??? Did crows swallow everything I cooked?? Fine then, I would cook only bitter roots from now on! Then I'll see who eats and who doesn't."

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