Chapter 15

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"Your a what?" Taylor gasps and I giggle, "How do you know?"
"The Luna told me." I answer, "You should have seen her Taylor. She was so nice and she's really really pretty-"
Taylor shuts me up by kissing me. I smile as I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back.
"I love you Astrid, but you talk way to much." Taylor says and I giggle.
"If this is how your gonna make me shut up all the time then I'm gonna start talking all the time." I says and he growls as he kisses me again.
~Taylors POV~
I smile as I watch my mate talk. She wasn't kidding about talking a lot more.
'Taylor is Astrid awake yet?' Bethany mind links me.
'Ya why?' I ask
'Jasmines in labor.' she says
'Ok I'll tell Astrid.' I answer her before disconnecting the link.
"Astrid." I say and she stops talking and looks at me.
"Yes?" she asks
" Jasmines in labor." I tell her.
"OMG OMG OMG! Get me out of this room and to her room!" she screams and I cover my ears.
"Sorry." she whispers and I chuckle.
~Time skip~
~Astrid's POV~
I grin as I skip into the waiting room where everyone was waiting.
"Is she ok?" Xavier asks. He had left after Jasmine screamed in pain because he couldn't stand seeing her in pain when he couldn't do anything about it.
"I wouldn't be happy if she wasn't." I say in a duh tone.
"Sooo, tell us what she had already!" Danielle says and I grin.
"She had TWO boys and their names are Tanner and Rain." I say and I see Xavier grin and walk out of the waiting room with everyone else right on his heels. I grin as I run ahead of everyone. When I get to Jasmine's room I see her sound asleep in the bed. I smile as I walk over to the twins who were both already in their baby carriers sound asleep. I smile as I pick Tanner up at the same time Xavier walks into the room.
Xavier smiles as he takes Tanner from my arms.
"Which one is this?" he asks me without looking away from his newborn son.
"Tanner." I smile as I pick up Rain who had started to fuss. I coo to him as i rock him back and forth. I jump slightly when I feel strong arms wrap around my waist.
I smile up at Taylor before looking back down at Rain.
"I can wait for when our baby is born." Taylor says and I frown.
"You said that like I am pregnant right now." I say and he stiffens. I frown as I turn around to face him, "Taylor are you keeping something from me?" I ask
"I-uh...W-hen...When the doctor did a check up on you he told me you were pregnant." he blurts out and I stare at him in shock, "That's why it took you so long to wake up. Your wolf was caring for you and our pup."
I stare at Taylor as I think this through. I frown as I put Rain back in his car seat before I turn around to face Taylor.
"Who all knows?" I ask
"Just Jasmine and Xavier." he answers and I glance at Jasmine who was now awake and holding Tanner. She smiles innocently at me and I frown.
"Jasmine what did you do?" I ask and she grins.
"I may have threatened to cut his balls off and feed them to him." I laugh at the face Taylor makes. Taylor sighs as he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the hospital and to his truck. I frown as he grabs a blind fold out of his truck and makes me turn around so he can tie it to my head.
When he's done tying it he picks me up bridal stile and places me in his truck.
"Taylor?" I ask when I hear him get in the drive side, "Where are we going?"
"Somewhere." is all I get for an answer.
~time skip~
~Taylor's POV~
I smile as I put my truck in park before jumping out and running over to Astrid's side. I open the door and carefully shake her awake.
"Come on baby girl wake up." I coo to her.
"But I don't want to." she whines and I smile at her.
"Don't you wanna find out where we are?" I ask her and this seems to wake her up.
"What are you waiting for? Get me out of this damn truck." she says and I chuckle as I pick her up bridle style and place her outside of the truck. I stand behind her and slowly take the blind fold off of her.
~Astrid's POV~
I gasp at the sight in front of me. We were at a wood cabin that was surrounded by trees. It had a small lake to the side of it with several different kind of plants and flowers surrounding it. A small waterfall was flowing out from the rocks behind it. You would defiantly fall in love with this place at first sight. I smile as I look back at Taylor to see him watching me.
I smile as I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.
"It's beautiful." I whisper and Taylor grins as he kisses me again. After Taylor had shown me around we had started to make dinner. I glance over at Taylor who was coating the deer steaks with flower.
I smile as I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his torso and rest my head against his back. My smile widens when I feel his whole body vibrate as his wolf gives off a content purr. I frown as Taylor pulls away to turn around. I grin when I see his flower covered face.
"What are your grinning about?" he asks
"You have a little flower on your face." I answer.
"So do you." he says and I frown.
"I haven't even do-" before I can finish my sentence, Taylor grabs the container with the leftover flower that he used to cover the deer meet with, and dumps it on my head. I stand there with my mouth wide open as I wipe the flower away from my eyes.
"You are so going to pay for that." I say as I lunge at him. Before I can grab him he jumps out of the way and runs around the island in the middle of the kitchen. I start going after him but he just walks the opposite way.
"Fine." I growl, "but you get to finish making dinner by yourself." and with that I walk out and storm to the bathroom.
~Taylors POV~
I grin to myself as I watch my mate storm out of the kitchen. I knew she would most likely go take a shower if she got a lot of flower in her hair. But then again who wouldn't. I smile as I continue making dinner which consisted of deer steaks, mash potatoes, gravy, and sweet corn. Once I'm done, I set the table putting a candle and a rose in the middle of the table for the finishing touches. I smile as I head upstairs to the room we are sharing. When I walking into our room the smell of my mate is incredibly strong. I frown as I glance toward the bathroom door to see it ajar. I smile as I take in her sweet yet sour apple smell. It fits her perfectly. She can be sweet one second but then again she can be sour the next.
I walk over to the mirror above the dresser and wipe the flower off of my face. Once I'm sure its all gone I change into a fresh pair of jeans and I white shirt. Right when I pull my shoes back on I hear the water shut off in the bath room and I quickly but quietly run out of the bed room door and back downstairs to the dining room.
Once I'm in the dining room I grab the note that I had been hiding for awhile now and and placed it beside Astrid's plate so that she would see it. After I place the sheet on the table I stand to where I'm out of sight and wait for her to walk in.
~Astrid's POV~
I sigh as I get out of the shower and dry myself off. When I'm dry I pull on a pair of red lace bra and undies before pulling on my favorite pair of jean shorts and a baby blue tank-top that read 'If you want a rainbow, you have to put up with a little rain first.'
I smile as I head downstairs and into the dining room where I could smell something delicious. I smile when I see that Taylor had already set the table. My smile widens when I see the rose and the candle in the middle of the table. But what I don't get is what the piece of paper is. I frown as I walk over and pick it up.
Dear Astrid,
Please don't look up away from this paper or it may make me look like an idiot.
I read and I couldn't help but laugh.
I knew if I said this out loud to you I wouldn't know what to say and I would just end up making a fool of myself. I lobe you Astrid, with all my heart. You are the reason I get up everyday and the reason I go to sleep with a smile on my face. All those past days without you were horrible for me. It felt like a part of me was dead inside when I couldn't hear your the sound of your voice, or you beautiful giggle. I couldn't even hold you in my arms and that made me and my wolf go mad. We didn't sleep or eat for weeks, but when you woke up and I saw your baby blue eyes open for the first time in months, I new right then and there that I am head over heals in love with you. I love you Astrid. Please look up know.
I frown and do as the letter tells me and when I look up I gasp and cover my hand with my mouth. My mate was on a knee in front of me with a baby blue heart diamond ring in a silver ring box in his hands.
"Astrid Aspen Harper, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Taylor asks and I full on start to ball as on nod my head. Taylor smiles as he stands up and wraps his arms around me holding me as tears of joy fall down my face.
"I love you Astrid. So so much." Taylor whispers in my ear and I smile as I look up at him as he wipes the tears away.
"I love you too Taylor." I whisper as I kiss him.
SURPRISE!!! I usually never get a chapter done this quick. OMG OMG!! I ALMOST HAVE 200 READS!!! Thank your guys soooooo much! I hope you liked this chapter. It made me happy and it almost made me cry. well anyway Bye! I love you all!!

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