Chapter 25

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~Astrid's POV~
"Holy fucking shit!" Jasmine says and everyone looks over at her.
"What?" I ask and she looks up at me. We were currently in the library looking through books to see if it gave us on any information about me being related to the Luna.
"It says here that the chosen one with the icy blue eyes that is surrounded by black is almost a replica of the Luna's just and that the colors are just switched around. It also says that this person is the Luna's daughter." she screams the last part.
"I'm confused I thought Alpha James and Dawn were your parents." Taylor says
"And you look like the girl version of Alpha James." Jasmine said
"Does it say anything about Taylor's eyes?" I ask
"It says here that the Luna's daughter's mate and Black Kings, whoever the fuck that is, son's eyes will change around the same time as his mate change and that they'll change to a amber surrounded by a deep blue."
"Where the fuck have I heard the name Blake King from." I mumble to myself
"Umm Astrid." Jaxon says trying to hide a smile.
"What." I growl at him
"Black King as in our 'Uncle' Black King as in 'dads' brother."
"Oh shit! I forgot about him!" I exclaim, "but what happened to our old pack?" I ask
"Good question." Cameron says
"We'll find out tomorrow but right now you need to get some sleep." Taylor says as he stands up and grabs my hand. I open mouth to protest but he stops me, "don't say your tired because the dark circles prove you wrong."
"Fine." I huff as I let him pull me to our room.
~Taylors POV~
I sigh as I crawl into the bed and wrap my arms around Astrid's waist, smiling when she turns to face me and buries her face in my chest.
I sigh as I bury my face in her neck and take a deep breath. She smelled like strawberries and cinnamon. (idk if I already said she smelled like something)
'She smells so good.' my wolf, Shay, purrs
'I know she does.' I say as I take another deep breath before slowly letting darkness take over.
~time skip~
"You should wake him up." I hear someone whisper.
"Hell no. The last time I tried to wake him up he about killed me."
"He's your brother why would he try to kill you."
I hear both of my sisters laugh, "he loves sleep more than he loves us."
"Hey! That sounds like Jasmine!" someone, I'm guessing her brother Tanner D, said.
"I'd argue but he's right." Jasmine says and everyone laughs.
"Would you guys fucking shut up." I hear Astrid growl as she snuggles closer to me.
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. You sound a little bitchy." Jasmine says
"You would be too if someone woke you up from a peaceful sleep." Astrid snaps
"She's right. You would probably take someone's head off." Tanner (jasmines mate) says.
"Go the fuck away." I growl as I pull Astrid impossibly closer to me.
'Alpha your daughter has gone missing.' one of the pack warriors mind link me.
'She what! Who took her?' I growl as I quickly sit up on the bed causing Astrid to help in surprise as I pull her with me.
'We don't know Alpha. We have been searching for her all over the pack territory and we can't find her.'
I growl loudly causing everyone in the room to jump and the windows to rattle.
'Don't stop looking.' I growl through the link before looking over at Astrid.
"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" she asks and I sigh and run my fingers through my hair.
"Iris is missing and they can't find her." I say.
"Have they looked everywhere?" she asks the panic evident in her voice.
"Yes they have and they are still looking." I answer
"What if they don't find her?" she asks as she breaks down sobbing.
"Don't worry Astrid. They won't stop until they find her." I say as I wrap my arms around her and pull her close to me.
"I want my daughter back." she sobs into my chest.
"Me too baby, me too."
~time skip~
Its been five months since Iris has gone missing and Astrid has not said a word in four months. She has gone completely mute and I can't do anything to get her to talk to me.
I sigh as I rub my hands over my face. We had looked everywhere for her and couldn't find her anywhere.
"Alpha! It's Iris! Someone has returned her but something is horribly wrong!" one of my pack warriors say as they run into my office.
"Where is she?"
"She's in the pack hospital." he says and I jump out of my seat and run out the door. I get to the pack house in less than ten seconds and I find Astrid in the waiting room crying.
"Alpha? Luna?" the pack doctor calls out to us and Astrid instantly looks up.
"Yes?" I ask
"Iris d-didn't make it. I'm sorry."
I catch Astrid as she falls to the ground sobbing and in pull her to my chest and bury my face in her neck as I let the tears fall freely. My little princess was gone. She was gone for good and I'd never get to see her grow up to be just like her mother. I'll fine out what did this and once I do, I'll torcher them. I'll torcher them until they beg for me to kill them. But whoever did this will die, a slow painful death.

😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭This chapter literally made me cry. I'm so so sorry. Please don't hate me. I know some of you might *cough* Jasmine *cough* lol. Thank you for reading! I love you all!!

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