Chapter 30

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~Taylor's POV~
"God damn it Taylor why can't you fucking listen for once!" Astrid screams at me, "I said to get sky blue paint and a room with no windows for the nursery!"
I sigh as i run a hand through my hair as i look over at Astrid, "Astrid I'm trying to get the nursery done but i haven't had much time to work on it.
"You never have any time to help me get ready for the baby." She says as she starts to cry, "It's like you don't want either of us."
I sigh as i walk over to her and wrap my arms around her, "I do want you both, baby girl, I've just been busy with alpha duties. I promise I'll start on the nursery before our baby is here just promise me that you won't think that i don't want either of you. It kills me that you think that."
She sighs as she buries her face into my chest, "Okay."
I smile as i kiss her forehead before pulling back and grabbing her hand, "Let's go get you some lunch."
She smiles as she follows me out the door, "Can we go get McDonald's?" She asks, "wait no how about Chinese? Both? Ya both. We can go eat Chinese first and then on the way home we can order some food from McDonald's."
I chuckle as i open the car door for her, closing it after she gets in. I jump into the driver side of the car and head for Astrid's favorite Chinese restaurant, Hong Kong.
~Time skip~
After eating Chinese and picking some more food up from McDonald's I head for the forest.
"Where are we going?" Astrid asks
"Somewhere." I answer with a small smile on my face. After driving for a few minutes i get out of the car and walk over to Astrid's side and open the door for her. I smile at her as i reach into the car and grab a blind fold.
She frowns as i put the blind fold over her eyes but doesn't say anything. I grin as i pick her up bridal style and carry her until i get to our destination. When i pull the blind fold off i hear her gasp.
We were standing in front of a log cabin that had a waterfall in the front. I smile as i wrap my arms around her and lay my hands on her swollen stomach.
"Welcome to our new house." I whisper in her ear causing her to shiver.
I smile as she turns around in my arms and presses her lips against mine, "I love it." She whispered against my lips before she kisses me again.
I grin as i look down at her, "The nursery has absolutely no windows and It's already painted blue." She smiles up at me before she glances back at the house.
"I love you Astrid." I whisper in her ear and she turns toward me with a smile on her face.
"I love you too Taylor." she whispers before she presses her lips against mine.
~Time skip~
"Taylor!" I hear Astrid scream from the living room of the pack house. I run into the living room to find her standing with her legs spread apart as she looks down at the floor.
"What's wrong? Are you hurt? Is the baby hurt?" I instantly ask
"My water just broke." she says as she waddles her way toward the pack doctor who was recently moved to the pack house. I rush over to her and carefully pick her up bridal style as i rush her to the doctors office.
I rush into the room and set her.down on the hospital bed as the doctor comes rushing in. I help Astrid take her cloths on and change into the gown before the doctor checks to see if she was fully dilated.
The doctor smiles as he looks up at us, "You are ready to push." He says, "on the count of three... One....two....three." Astrid lets out a painful whimper as she pushes.
"" I flinch as Astrid squeezes my hand hard enough that it cause a few bones to break.
"I need one last big push ok?" the doctor.asks and she nods, "one...two...three.."
Astrid lets out another painful scream followed by a small pop. I smile when i hear our newborn baby cry.
"It's a boy." The doctor says and i grin as i look down at Astrid and press a light kiss to her forehead. The pack doctor wraps my newborn son in a blue blanket before handing him to Astrid.
"What should we name him?" Astrid asks me as she looks down at the bright blue eyed baby. He looked mostly like me except he had his mothers baby blue eyes.
"How about Chance." i suggest
"Chance Jax Anderson." She whispers, "named after his father." She smiles up at me as she says the last part.
"I love it." I whisper as i lean down and press my lips against hers.
Short chapter i lk but its like 1 am and im camping and since we don't have any electricity i don't have an air mattress so i can't get comfy and it's hard to keep my eyes open so night😴

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