Chapter 24

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~Taylor's POV~
I look over to my right to see that Astrid wasn't there anymore. I quickly scan the area but I till don't find her.
'Look up.' I frown and look up, relaxing when I see Astrid up in a tree.
'Why are you up there?' I mind link her
'Just wait and make sure all our pack gets up in a tree and fast.' She says and then looks over at her dad and he gives a knowing look before his eyes cloud over. His warriors had just arrived and were already climbing the trees along with my pack warriors. I climb the same tree Astrid was in and she grins at me before looking down at the confused rogues.
I frown as I watch her close her eyes and place both of her hands on the tree. I gasp and grip the tree to keep from falling out of the tree. The ground had started to shake all if a sudden and the tree that Astrid and I were in started to glow an electric blue color. I watched at the blue current flowed down the tree and to the ground. The rogues all yip and take off running except for a couple you didn't get away in time and were nocked out cold. I watch in fascination as the electric blue waves flow back up the tree and into Astrid's palms.
I watch as Astrid slowly moves her palms away from the branch and she slowly makes her way down the tree. She walks over to a unconscious wolf and I Astrid lowly and she turns to face me with a frown on her face before she turns back toward the wolf who had just whined and shifted. I jumped out of the tree and walked over to Astrid wrapping my arms around her waist as i stare at the boy who was now staring at Astrid with a shocked hurt look when he noticed me behind her.
"Please tell me your still a virgin." The guy says but Astrid just stays quiet so he takes this as a no, "I can't believe you lost your virginity to a man whore like him. All he wants from you is sex, even if he is your mate. But then again maybe that's all you want to. You do have the body and looks to be a slut. Maybe that's what you are." I growl and the boy just smirks. I glance down at Astrid to see her eyes are shut as if she was concentrating.
"What the fuck." I look up to see the boy now floating in the air and going higher and higher.
"First off don't talk about my mate like that." She growls using her Luna voice which let me tell you is a major turn on, "and second i am not a slut." I watch in fascination as something hits the boy but not strong enough to kill him like i wanted it to.
I yelp and jump back when i feel a shock go through my body and Astrid looks at me with a worried expression, "I'm so sorry i didn't mean to do that." she says. I gasp as i look into her eyes. They were an icy blue surrounded by black. I loved her original baby blue eyes but these were breath takingly beautiful.
"Your eyes." I gasp as i cup her face in my hands not taking my eyes from hers.
"Mg eyes? What about your?" She asks confused.
"Your eyes are icy blue that is surrounded by blue." I tell her in an awed whisper.
"But what about your eyes? They aren't blu-green anymore." She whispers, "they are now amber surrounded by a deep blue."
"Do you think it had something to do with the shock that I felt?" I ask and she thinks for a few minutes before growling in frustration.
"It's ok Astrid, we'll figure this out sooner or later." I reassure her and she smiles at me, "Let's head back to the pack house."
~time skip~
I watch as Astrid opens the pack safe house and everyone instantly starts to file out.
"Holy fuck!" Jasmine gasps when she notices Astrid's eyes, "How the hell did you get your eyes that color? Are they contact lenses? Or is it part of your magic?"
I laugh and Astrid just shakes her head at her best friend. I walk over to Astrid and wrap my arms around her waist and Jasmine looks up at me.
"There's something different about you Taylor." she says, "Did you get a new hair cut?" she asks and Astrid giggles and i shake my head Jasmine.
"Come on, let's go get some answers about our sudden change in eye color." I say as I entwine my fingers with Astrid's.
~time skip~
I grumble as I toss the twentieth book I've read to the side and grab another one. As I skim through the book I feel someone place their hands on my shoulders and give them a little massage. I smile as I look back at Astrid who smiles down at me.
"Why don't we take a little break." she says, " it's already eight and we haven't eaten since lunch."
"I agree with Astrid." Jasmine says, "I am fucking hungry."
"Your always hungry." Danielle says
"Oh I'm not hungry for food. I'm hungry for something else." she says as she winks at Tanner who just shakes his head.
"Jasmine!" Astrid says making a disgusted face.
"What! It's the truth." Jasmine grins.
"Okay that's it." Tanner says all of a sudden as he jumps out of his seat picking Jasmine up bridal stile and heading out the door.
"If you can't stop shaking lean back and let it move right through ya!" Astrid yells at Jasmine
"Hell ya!" Jasmine yells back.
"You two I weird." Danielle says as she shakes her head.
"You still love us." Astrid says with a grin
"If I have too." Danielle says with a sigh.
~time skip~
I sigh as I collapse into bed face fist, smiling when I feel the bed dip on my right. I roll over so I'm laying on my back as wrap my arms around Astrid's waist and pull her close to me.
"Astrid?" I ask after a few minutes of silence, "Who was that boy that you were talking to earlier? The rogue?"
"His name is Grey." she says with a sigh, "he's my cousin." is all she says before her breathing evens out telling me that she had fallen asleep. I sigh as I look down at my mate. I love her I death but I feel like she's keeping something from me. Something big.
~time skip~
~Jasmines POV (surprise!)~
"No! bawd broder." Xavier says as he hits Rain with his toy.
"Mwm! broder be mean!" Rain wails
"Boys knock your shit off!" Tanner yells
"Mum wats shwit?" Xavier ask and I glare at Tanner
"Way to go smart one." I grumble an then say to Xavier, "It's a bad word that you shouldn't say. Be a good boy and don't say it."
"since dada sawid it dwes he go in time owt?" he asks
"Yes he should go to time out." I say and give Tanner a pointed look
"But-" my glare stops him from arguing, "fine."
I grin in victory as he heads into the corner. I frown when my phone goes off and I notice its a group message from Astrid and Danielle. We always text because we don't like using the mind link more than we have to.
"I'll be back. Astrid just texted me saying that they found something that might be useful." I say as I head out the door.
"Okay bye I love you!" Tanner yells out right before I shut the door.
~time skip~
"I'm here! What did I miss?" I ask as I run into the library and instantly make a face, " eww get a room!" I scream.
"We've been telling them to get a room for awhile now but they won't listen." Astrid says as she makes a face at Danielle and Tanner D, "ok besides that we found something that might help."
"Our eyes changed according to who we are related to. Like goddess related. Astrid's eyes are icy blue surrounded by black because she is somehow related to the great Luna but we don't know how yet. As for me, my eyes changed because I am Astrid's mate and I am also the son of Blake King."
Who's Blake King?
What about his parents from one of the previous chapters?
How is Astrid related to the Luna?
What the hell am I thinking about his story?
How the hell do I think I'm going to finish this?
I don't know either so don't ask😂

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