Tsukishima x Hinata

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I inspired this one from myself Bc I was making knots with cherry stems today... You guys don't care about that so on with the story..!

Hinata and Tsukishima where surprisingly hanging out together at Hinata's place. They where watching movies and had a bowl of strawberries (Tsukishima courtesy of) and cherries (Hinata chose them).

Tsukishima noticed that Hinata kept the stem of a cherry in his mouth, "What are you doing?" he asked.

Hinata holds up his finger motioning For Tsukki to wait and moves the stem around, making a knot. He takes it out and holds it for Tsukki to see. "Did you know that people that can do this are supposedly known to be good kissers?" Hinata says proudly.

"Well, are you?" Tsukki asked.

"I don't know, I've never kissed anyone." Hinata pouted.

"Of course you haven't." Tsukki laughed.

"Shut up!" Hinata whines.

"I'm sure that you would break that stereotype!" Tsukki doubled over in laughter.

"There's only one way for you to find out!" Hinata crossed his arms.

"Alright, I'll be the judge of that." Tsukki leans in and kisses Hinata. They both blush, Hinata skillfully kisses Tsukki, turning the kissing into a make out. Tsukishima takes off his glasses and tosses them aside then grabs Hinata's face and deepens the kiss further.

They pull apart when they are in need of air but Hinata attacks Tsukki's lips again. Tsukki then pulls away but presses their foreheads together, "Yea you broke the stereotype" (same Hinata, same)

"Oh shut up!" Hinata playfully pushes Tsukki, making them both laugh.

"I think I love you..." Tsukki hugs Hinata.

"I hate you." Hinata jokingly said.

"Riiight" Tsukishima chuckled softly.

"I honestly can't stand you, really." Hinata giggles.

"Correction! You can't stand taller than me." Tsukki pokes Hinata's cheeks.

"I'm leaving."

"This is your house." Tsukki points out.

"You're leaving."

"Make me." Hinata stands up and grabs Tsukishima's arms and tries to pull him off the couch, to no avail. Hinata tries until he tires himself out and drops himself on Tsukki's chest. "You're perfect, I was just messing with you."

"You could have said that before I lost all my energy pulling you!" Hinata pouts.

"I'm sorry." Tsukki wraps his arms around Hinata.

"Tsukishima saying sorry? Someone record this! It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to hear him say that!!" Hinata laughs.

"We play around too much." Tsukki kisses Hinata's forehead.


I don't know how to end this sooo this is the end. Also someone plz request a ship

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