Oikawa X Ushijima

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Requested by @QuixoticEnigma

Everyone though that Oikawa passionately hated Ushijima. That could be somewhat true but he actually had a schoolgirl crush on the boy, but he was just in denial about it since he thought he was straight. 

Ushijima thought it was pretty obvious that Oikawa was just being a dumb tsundere and to be quite honest, That was the only things Ushijima didn't like about the boy. 

Ushijima loved teasing Oikawa about what team he should've joined because whilst Oikawa would seem annoyed though the eyes of another person, Ushijima never missed to catch the light and barely visible blush and the faint crooked smile of Oikawa. 

They both had an unspoken mutual agreement that they did like each other, they seriously both knew this. But Ushijima, being the big ol' cinnamon roll he is, never tried making a move. Oikawa was just being tsundere. 

It was the end of the year. Prom was getting close. Oikawa was so ready to go, he couldn't wait to show off his good looks once more and have all his fangirls fawn over him, and maybe get a special girl. 

Ushijima on the other hand just wanted to stay home, maybe go for a midnight walk or something, but the volleyball team really wanted him to go so he decided last minute on going to prom.

Neither school really knew this but most schools where having prom the same night... at the same place. 

Ushijima got there early and saw many unrecognizable faces. He was wearing a black suit with a purple tie. He didn't have a date and he didn't really mind spending the night alone on a table watching how teammates dance. 

Half an hour into his alone time in a crowded place he hears a lot of girls squealing, at first he ignored it since he found things like gossip and drama irrelevant but when he heard the familiar voice of Oikawa his head slowly turned towards all the commotion. After awhile of low-key trying to get a look at Oikawa but failing he decided to walk towards the crowd of girls and see for himself why everyone was going crazy. When he gets there he see Oikawa smugly looking at a camera as a girl took a selfie with him while lightly pecking his cheek, Ushijima felt a pang of jealousy and grabbed Oikawa's arm and led him away. 

"Oi! What are you doing?" Oikawa semi-yelled. 

"Why?" Ushijima whispered under his breath. 


"Why do we do this to ourselves? Oikawa, we both know what he feel about each other. Just stop this act, stop acting like you hate me, stop hanging out with all these girls and please just stop acting straight. We all know you're not and the girls are just in denial just like you." Ushijima said quickly.      

Oikawa pouted and looked away, "Don't say it like that, I'm not in denial." 

"Then stop acting like you are!" Oikawa was about to answer to than when Ushijima kissed him. Nothing deep or sexual, just a loving kiss. Oikawa looked surprised but then relaxed into the light kiss. As Ushijima pulled away Oikawa wrapped his arms around his neck and stared to lightly sway to the beat of the music. They pressed their foreheads against each others and smiled, "I love you... I have loved you for so long and not having you made me feel so..." he sighed, "incomplete? I don't really know but I don't care now that I have you." 

Oikawa smiled brightly and jump a little, trying to hide his excitement, "Heh and who knew you insulting me for once would be the thing to bond us together, I always thought  our first actual love encounter would've been more romantic but I guess I can take this too." Oikawa playfully giggled, "Just kidding, I wouldn't have it any other way. Spontaneous and very weird is the way to go!" They both laughed at that. 

They spent the rest of the night together. Holding hands, walking around, dancing, talking and just having a night to remember. 

-Tis the end since idk how to end

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