Miya twins X Hinata

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Hinata's POV: (Im tired of doing third person bc I confuse who I'm talking about)

"I knew they both liked me... and I know they expect me to choose between them. After weeks of becoming friends and and hanging out they both came forward with their feelings towards me, saying they would respect any decision I made and promised that whoever was not chosen to be my boyfriend wouldn't be mad.

It was all so frustrating and they constantly fought on who got to call me at night and they would compete on who was telling me goodnight last or goodmorning first... don't get me wrong I'm flattered and it makes me feel special but it got annoying by the week."

Noya was listening to my rant as we practiced alone. It was an early Saturday morning and we were the only ones here so I could yell as much as I wanted.

"Hinata, you have to choose soon though. You can't keep leading them on..." Noya said as he threw the ball at me.

"I know but I don't want to... I like them both equally!" I complained.

"Well you need to tell them that." Noya said as he started walking towards me.

"What if they get mad?"

"Trust me, they will prefer the truth over being led on any longer. Right now they probably think something completely different that you are" Noya put a reassuring hand on my shoulder and smiled. "Call them up now! Tell them to come over. I have to go soon anyways so you guys can talk here. Remember tell them exactly how you feel."

"But that's embarrassing..." I whined.

"But it's the right thing to do! Now call them" Noya said and pushed my phone into my hands, "just tell them you wanna talk and want to see them. Send them out location and ask them to come!" Noya reassured.

"Ok fine." I say and dial Osamu first. The call rings three times and he picks up.

"Hey, everything alright?" His voice sounded deeper than usual.

"I'm sorry were you sleeping?" I ask, feeling bad for calling without texting for permission first.

"Yeah, it's alright thou I should've woken up earlier anyways." He reassured me, "you didn't answer my question."

"Oh yeah everything is ok I just wanted to talk to you and your brother... I'm at a park, do you think you guys can come here?" I say, a bit embarrassed since it's usually one of them who offers hanging out and not me.

"Yeah I'll tell him and we'll me on our way." He said, I could hear in his voice he was stretching and he finished the sentence with a yawn.

"No it's ok, you get really and I'll call Atsumu and let him know." I say, worried that me calling only one of them could cause a problem.

"Alright. I'll see you in a bit." He said.

"Ok... I can't wait to see you." I blush and I look over and Noya is wiggling his eyebrows and I motion him to stop.

"I can't wait either, bye" and with that he hung up.

I sigh as I pull the phone away from my ear and call Atsumu. The call rings once and he had already answered.

"Why did you call Osamu first?" He said, sounding sad.

"He was the contact I found first!" I say.

"Lies! My name starts with an A so it should be very first on the contact list."

"I dial from recents dummy!" I say louder.

"Hmmmm ok... well why did you call?"

"I just wanted to talk with you guys... he already agreed to coming to see me at the park I'm at and I sent him the address... can you come too?" I say, less embarrassed this time.

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