Even more TsukkiHina

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I am a slut for this ship tbh

Third POV:

Hinata and Tsukishima where partners for a school project and where working together at Hinata's house. Hinata has had a crush on Tsukishima for a long time now and was craving for a relationship with him. Tsukishima in the other hand knew about Hinata's feelings, he found them obvious but rather cute so he let them be.

Hinata has had enough of all that waiting around and grabbed the blondes hands. "Can you just please ask me out already?!" Hinata practically begs Tsukishima.

"Ok." Tsukishima pushes up his glasses and goes back to doing his work.

"What are you doing?"

"My work..? What do you want me to do" Tsukishima doesn't look up again.

"I thought you where going to ask me out!" Hinata blurts out .

"Oh that was supposed to be now?" Tsukishima looks up this time.

"m-hm" Hinata hums and nods, trying to contain his excitement.

"Well, Hinata, do you want to go out with me?" Tsukishima asks. 

"I thought you would never ask!" Hinata drops himself on Tsukishima. "Yeees I dooo" Hinata grunts as he hugs Tsukishima very tightly. 

"Are we going to keep working?" Tsukishima asks and hugs Hinata back.

"Well... I have other plans..." Hinata pulls Tsukishima down into a soft kiss. Hinata tries to pull the other closer but fails as Tsukishima pulled away. Hinata pouts at the taller boy but the pout disappeared as soon as it came because Tsukishima started to kiss down Hinata's neck, leaving occasional love bites, making Hinata blush deeply. Hinata grips tightly on Tsukishima's shirt and Tsukishima's hands start to go down on Hinata's body, caressing his sides. A loud moan escapes Hinata's lips and a few seconds later Natsu, his little sister, was heard yelling from the other room.

"Hinata shut up!" The they heard her small foot steps towards their room. Hinata freaks out and jumps off Tsukishima and sits across from him. Natsu barges in and sees the marks on Hinata's neck, going into panic mode she calls for her and Hinata's mom, "Mom! Hinata is getting sick!!"

"No! Don't get mom!!" Hinata whisper yells at Natsu. he then looks at Tsukishima and sees him smirking. 

"Hinata whats wrong?!" His mom runs in.


"It's on his neck!!" Natsu yells and points.

"Let me see honey." She inspects his neck, realization hits her and she starts to blush. "Oh Natsu its nothing. Oh lets go water the plants Natsu then we'll go out-" She rambles on even after she closed the door, dragging a confused Natsu with her. 

"That was-" Tsukishima is cut off by Hinata slapping him across the face the by a very rough kiss. 

Dont know how to end this so this is the end. Am I writing too much TsukkiHina? Hopefully not but whatevs

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