Kuroo x Hinata

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Requested by: @CinnaBun9

Ever since Hinata first laid eyes on Kuroo he knew he'd fall in love but as his mother always told him "love comes at its own pace, be patient and if you can ignore it, and it will come running to you when you least expect it" and god she wasn't wrong.

After an episode of natural disasters Nekoma and Karasuno where mixed into one school for the rest of the year, and students where assigned tutors who where students from opposite schools to help each other and lucky for Hinata he got the one, the only, Kuroo.

At first Hinata told himself his crush on Kuroo was long gone but one day they decided to play tic-tac-toe in a homework assignment, Hinata won all and claimed victory, as he jumped and danced around yelling "I won!!" Kuroo admired him, he chuckled and stood up and picked up small Hinata by the waist.

"It's not fair shrimp! You cheated!!" Kuroo said making the smaller one laugh loudly.

"What is it??? Can't afford to loose?" Hinata giggled as he tried to pry the arms off him.

"No you just cheated." And before Hinata could say something back Kuroo kissed his cheek. Hinata just stayed still, barely breathing, eyes blank. "Oí! Shrimp!! You ok?" Kuroo asked as he lightly shook the boy.
"I'm... FANTASTIC!!" He turned and pounced Kuroo, covering him with light kisses.

""Woah calm down!" Kuroo chuckled. As Hinata slowly leaned back they stared deeply into each others eyes, smiling softly. At once Kuroo slowly leaned in, his breathing halting a little, his mind foggy with glee, as he slowly kissed Hinata firmly on the lips. They both shared a light yet long and lingering kiss. When Kuroo started to lean back Hinata greedily and shamelessly chased after him trying to kiss him once more, firmly grabbing Kuroos shirt and pulling him down again, this time the kiss more intimate and held much more emotion... and lust than the one before.

After that they spend awhile lightly kissing each other, no hickeys, marks, or anything of the sort, just two young boys purely in love.

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