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Requested by the amazing kurotsukki-shipper

Kuro and Lev had been friends for a long time and recently Lev started to notice that Kuroo was trying to distance himself but since Lev had a slight crush on the boy he was very worried that he would loose him. Lev, wanting to be even closer with Kuroo, invited him over one weekend to hang out. 

When Kuroo arrived Lev was very happy until he noticed that once more Kuroo was acting very distant. At first Lev wasnt that bothered but after awhile he became very annoyed and asked, "Why are you acting like this?" 

"Like what?" Kuroo nervously laughed.

"Like you dont want to even hang out with me!" Lev said slightly too loud, making Kuroo very surprised. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." Kuroo stood up. "I'm leaving." He pouted and turned to walk out of Lev's room. Lev was quick to his feet and snatched Kuroo's arm back, turning him around. 

"Kuroo..." Lev stared with pure love in his eyes. 

"I-" Kuroo started but was cut off by Lev lightly pressing his lips on his. 

"I love you..." Lev whispered. Kuroo swallowed hard the mustered the confidence (which didn't take much since he is very confiden) to kiss Lev, harshly, on the lips. 

"I love you too" He gasped out in between hungry kisses. Lev grabbed Kuroo's hips and slolwy guided him to his bed where they sat down nex to eachother. Their kissing got heated after some time and Kuroo was desperately rubbing Lev's torso so he would get the hint and lay down. After Kuroo lost his patience, which also didnt take much, he leaned back and forcefully  shoved Lev back, knoking the air out of him. 

Without hesitation Kuroo got on top of him and started kissing once more. 

After awhile the got exhausted  and decided to just cuddle up to eachother.

"Why did you try avidiong me lately? and be completely honest." Lev asked as he slowly brushed his fingers thrugh Kuroo's hair.

"So keep my pride, I've been busy. Being honest, I was scared because I like you a lot and I didn't want to weird you out or anything." Kuroo replied right away. 

"Well, I'm weirded out." Lev said making Kuroo laugh and kiss him once more. 

"Shut up.." Kuroo said and followed that statement with a soft and gentle kiss.

"I'm glad you're not avoiding me now." Lev mumbled against Kuroo's lips. 


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