Tsukki X Hinata

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Hinata tried convincing his friends to go buy cake with him during the weekend. At first they all agreed but as the week went on more and more people decided against it. By Friday everyone decided to ditch him, during lunch the last person explained he was simply too tired and wanted to relax during the weekend. This made Hinata very sad and he sulked for the rest of the day. Tsukishima saw this and, although he'd never admit it, he felt bad for Hinata.

"Hey Hinata," Tsukki said as the bell rung for the end of the school day.

Hinata didn't even turn to him, "I'm not in the mood for your teasing... please just leave me alone."

"Were you not going to get cake tomorrow?" Tsukki said, a bit bothered that Hinata ignored him but he brushed it off because he know the boy was emotional at the moment.

"No... I don't wanna go alone like a loser..." Hinata choked back a sob, "they all had agreed then they left me behind... I found out they had made their own plans and left me out." Hinata placed his hands over his eyes, holding back tears. "They always do this."

"It's alright... they don't deserve someone like you," Tsukki mumbled, annoyed at Hinata's 'friends'.

"It's whatever..." Hinata said as he finished wiping off his tears. Tsukki grabbed his arm and pulled him into his chest and wrapped his arms around him, it was a bit awkward since he had to lean down to reach Hinata but he didn't care.

"How about I'll go with you, but instead of waiting for tomorrow we go now?" Tsukki offered.

"I don't have my wallet in me." Hinata said, clutching onto Tsukki's sweatshirt for comfort.

"I'm offering so I'll pay."

"Wow who knew you could be nice?" Hinata teased.

"Don't get on my nerves because I'll leave too," Tsukki said as he looks so away but he caught a glimpse of Hinata pouting and his face had gotten sad once more. "Im kidding!"

"Don't joke like that!" Hinata said and smacked Tsukkis shoulder.

"Yeah yeah... do you want to go with me or no?"

"I do! That would make me very happy..." Hinata blushed at his confession.

"Do you want me to give you a piggy back ride?" Tsukki offered and Hinata beamed at the offer. Tsukki sighed as he realized what he got himself into and turned around, before he was even ready, the short boy jumped onto his back.

"Yay!! Let's go!" Hinata said as he swung his legs back and forth.

"Ok ok settle down." Tsukki clicked his tongue in playful annoyance and started walking towards the bakery. During the walk there Hinata couldn't help but stare at Tsukkis neck, it looked so soft and pale. As if in a trance he pressed his lips into Tsukki's neck and whispered.

"Thank you so much for this... it really makes me happy" Hinata lightly squeezed around Tsukki's shoulders.

"You don't deserve to be treated that way... plus I know I can do this much for you." Tsukki said as he took long steps to get to the bakery fast.

"Having you be so nice to me all of the sudden makes me feel all warm inside," Hinata said, innocent to the feeling, not knowing he just confessed something to him.

Tsukki stopped walking, he was very surprised Hinata said that so plainly. He composed himself once more and began walking, "you're an odd one yknow"

"No I'm not!" Hinata said but his mind was elsewhere. He was still staring at Tsukki's neck, he slowly grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it, peeking inside and seeing the most he could of Tsukki's back, he giggle and ran his finger tip for Tsukki's hairline down as much as he could.

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