Aone X Hinata smut

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People really liked the smut and ngl writing it was fun lmaooo so here we go. (I haven't forgotten about you fluff lovers out there so I'll finish it off with fluff)

Hinata knew people found Aone scary but he never thought they would try to convince him to leave Aone.

It was three years after he had graduated and all of him old high school classmates decided it would be a good idea to have reunion. When they found out Hinata was engaged to Aone no one could believe it. They laughed at first but when they saw the stiff look on Aones face and the annoyed look on Hinata's people started to question.

"Hinata are you sure? Don't you think you're too cute?" Yachi whispered into Hinata's eat. Hianta knee she was just concerned but this was no concerning topic.

"Guys. Maybe Aone is blackmailing poor Hinata!" Tsukishima teased.

"Or maybe keeping him hostage?"

"Hinata blink twice if you're in danger!!" Someone snickerd.

"No maybe he developed Stockholm syndrome."

All the comments swarmed in Hinata's mind and he just looked down, trying to keep his tears in. Without Hinata noticing Aone slipped out of the building and sat outside on a bench.

"Guys this isn't funny. Tsukki do not joke like that! No one should ridicule a couple! And Yachi I know you mean best but that isn't appropriate... can you all just apologize?" Suga said after finally being able to quiet everyone down.

"Look I'm sorry but that's just weird! Why would someone like Hinata like someone as scary and as big as Aone? He probably pushed Hinata around!"

"Shut up. Just apologize and leave it!" Suga insisted.

"I'm just saying! One day Hinata will come crying to us because Aone hit him or something, unless he's done it already" a loud smack rang through the room, right after Hinata smacked the person in the face (anyone you want I don't want to make anyone a bad guy) he stormed outside where Aone was.

"Can we go home already?" Hinata's sobbed as he ran towards Aone.

"Maybe I should've stayed home, you can stay I'll pick you up later." Aone mumbled as he turned away.

"What are you talking about?"

"Maybe they're right!" Aone turned to Hinata, "you're too good for me," Aone turned away and walked towards their parked car. Hinata followed close.

"What are you even saying? I love you!" Hinata said but was cut off by Aone closing the cars door. Hinata walked around and sat in the passenger seat. "Aone look at me." Hianta said and grabbed Aone's face, "they don't know you like I do! I love you so much and you'd never ever scare me. I know you take care of me more than anyone else on the planet earth."

"But they said I'm bad, and that I hit you..." Aone looked down.

"They don't know the way you hit me! Hell they don't even know that you do, they're being stupid... plus you know I like it when you 'hit' me" Hinata smiled and slowly traced his finger along Aones thigh.

"Don't say it like that I feel bad..." Aone looked away.

"Oh don't get like that. You know how it goes... during long, long nights we spend together I almost always beg for it." Hinata smiled and crawled over to sit on Aones lap, "and you know I do, you're so cruel you make me beg for minutes sometimes even hours!" A blush rose onto Hinata's cheeks, "they don't know that your strong, dominating and scary look it was draws me to you the most..." Hinata's warm hands caressed up and down Aone's torso.

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