😈 Chapter 6 😈

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My ringtone shocked me awake suddenly. With the quick action I fell to the floor, well shit!

I looked at my bed thinking of how peacefully I laid amongst the covers which now looked like havoc was unleashed upon my bed.

I then looked at my bedside table and harshly picked up the phone and shouted, "what?!"

"Hey boo!" Josie said innocently.

I looked at my clock to see the time was 7:00am, for fuck sake?!

"Why the actual fuck are you waking me at this sodding hour?!" I bursted.

"To go shopping." She stated in a 'duh' tone.

"Shopping?! You fucking know I detest shopping, ESPECIALLY when it intervenes with my sleep?!" I screamed.

"Okay, well get dressed boo; we need to look smoking for the party tonight." She stated.

"Wait, what day is it?" I asked.

"Saturday." She chirpily said.

Now I was fuming, "FUCKING SATURDAY?! I don't want to go to a fucking party?! I do not want to go fucking shopping?! And I CERTAINLY do not want to wake up this fucking early in the morning on the weekend?!" I shouted.

Completely ignoring what I just said, "good, see you in a few boo." She then hung up.

That bitch?!

In protest I collapsed back onto the bed and passed out.


I got changed and looked in the mirror, to admire my work.

I turned towards my phone and grabbed it; as well as my purse.

Now dressed ready to go shopping (I absolutely LOVE shopping!) I walked downstairs and proceeded out of my house.

I walked in the direction of Ali's house and after a good 10 minutes I got to her doorstep.

I banged on the door expecting an answer.

But I got none, so I banged on the door again.

But still no answer.

This infuriated me; so I got the spare key out and opened the door and thundered up the stairs and flew Ali's door open. To my surprise she was sprawled out on her bed, fast asleep.

I ran towards her and slapped her arm repeatedly; however I was unsuccessful.

I ran into her bathroom and filled up the cup which was somehow in her room and filled it with water.

I then ran back into her room and tipped the water over her.


I abruptly gasped for air and sat upright.

I looked around me and noticed I was wet and a very angry looking Josie standing with a cup in her hand.

"Fuck Josie?!" I gasped.

"Ali, why are you not dressed?" She asked calmly.

Alicia: The girl who wasn't expecting this ✔️Where stories live. Discover now