😈 Chapter 12 😈

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There are times in life were your met with a challenge. These challenges give multiple options for that moment, giving you options which pave your life.

I've had a lot of those challenges; even if I've only lived on this earth for 18 years!

But whenever I make my choice, it always seems like the fucking wrong option.

But I guess that's just me.

The person who makes all the fucking wrong decisions.

Now I'm left with nobody! Fucking nobody!

I swept some more tears away from my swollen eyes.

Why can't my life not be so shitty?!

Why must I have to live this shitty, worthless life?!

I was then brung out of my thoughts by my phone ringing.

I sniffled a bit and crawled over to were my phone was.

I didn't check the caller ID and answered, "h-hello?" I said with tears still slipping from my eyes.

"Ali?" I heard Xavier say in a concerned tone.

"Y-yer?" I whispered, trying to hold back the sobs.

"Are you alright?" Xavier asked.

"Why is my life just so, shitty?!" I whispered out angrily, with tears now pouring down my face.

"Is this about yesterday?" Xavier said in a quite tone.

"Well isn't it fucking obvious?!" I shouted.

I then sighed; the tears still falling like the Niagara Falls, "I'm sorry, I will see you later." I whispered out.

"No." Xavier said in a determined voice.

"No?" I asked.

"No, you will not hang up." He said.

"W-why?" I whispered.

"Because I want to know if your alright." He asked, now concerned again.

"Alright?! Fucking alright?!" I screeched out, "let's just say I want to crawl into a hole, and fucking die?!"

"Why?" Xavier asked.

I sighed angrily, "just stop with the fucking questions. I will see you at school!" I said before hanging up.

I threw my phone carelessly on my bed, then started to rub my eyes profusely.


Well, it's currently 7 in the morning and I haven't slept a fucking wink.

I sighed in frustration and went to shower, hopefully it will wake me up a bit.

Once dressed and a tad bit awake I made my way downstairs and grabbed something to try and make me fully awake.

I ended up just grabbing an apple and sped out the door.

Once outside I breathed in; I wasn't ready to face anyone today and yet here I am, being the fucking fool I am!

Once I breathed back out, I started making my way to the school.

Walking to school was the easy part but walking in school was going to be the hard part.

So, when I made it to those all to familiar wooden doors; i walked in with my head held high.

Ain't no bitch going to bring me down!

Alicia: The girl who wasn't expecting this ✔️Where stories live. Discover now