😈 Chapter 7 😈

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After buying our dresses; me and Josie headed home.

We got on the bus after waiting 7 minutes for it to arrive and headed for the furthest seats.

We sat in silence whilst the bus started to move.

After about a single minute of silence Josie let out a giggle.

"What the fuck is so funny?" I asked angrily.

"Nothing, it's nothing." She said with a huge smile plastered on her face.

I just rolled my eyes at her reaction.

After a few seconds Josie again spoke, "see Ali, shopping wasn't so bad."

I glared at her, "it was my fucking worst nightmare?!"

"You'll thank me later." She smiled again; what the actual fuck?!

"Jos, why are you smiling like the fucking Cheshire Cat?" I asked angrily ( I know what a fucking surprise?!).

"No reason." She said, still holding that fucking smile!

The bus then stopped at my bus stop. I turned to Josie, "your smile is fucking messed up."

"Aww, thanks boo." She said sarcastically.

And without another word I got off the bus.

When I got home I opened up the door and saw my mother standing at the doorway with a stern look on her face, "Alicia, where have you been?" She asked angrily.

"None of your fucking business, that's where?!" I said back angrily.

"Your my daughter, your business is MY business." She explained.

"Well I ain't your fucking daughter?! Your daughter left when dad left?!" I shouted at her.

"Language?!" She shouted.

She really is infuriating. So without another word I nudged her to the side and ran up the stair, and barged my way into my room.

I fucking hate her?!

I jumped on my bed and grabbed my laptop.


Hey Ali

Hey Ali, what's up?

The sky 😂👌


Whatever, anyways are you going to the party?

Meh, I might not go.

What?! Why not?! It's like the most epic party EVER?!

Just cause

You don't want to see me there 😓

What?! I never said that, I didn't even incline that?!

Didn't have to, your actions made it loud and clear.

Alicia: The girl who wasn't expecting this ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن