Chapter twenty-five: I am borrowed with out permission

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"Oh this ones cute!" Rachel squealed, holding up a purple top. I smiled and handed her my debit card.

"Buy what you want. I'm going to get something to eat." I said.

CJ stayed behind with Rachel as I left the store.
Shoving my hands in the pocket of my hoodie, I curled them around a can of pepper spray I bought two stores ago.

Every since we arrived at the mall, two men have been following us.
At first, I wasn't concerned. It was a huge mall, they could just be walking the same path as us.

But then when they followed us into more than five stores with out buying anything, I began to get suspicious.

As I walked towards the food court, I heard the steady beat of following footsteps.
So, they were after me.


I hurried to an Italian food store and stood in line. The line was short, so I was soon at the front.

"I'll have a number 6 please." I said, smiling brightly at the cute guy behind the counter. He grinned back and began to type at his little computer thingy.

I suddenly leaned forward and lowered my voice, keeping the smile on my face.
"There are two men following me. Red jacket and black jacket. Two O'clock." I muttered. The guy frowned, then glanced behind my shoulder and his eyes widened.
Giving me a nod, he disappeared into the back and I saw him pick up a wired phone.

The lady handed me my food, and I paid with the 20 bucks I had in my pocket.
When I turned I saw the guy that took my order talking to the two men.

As I passed, I picked up a few words.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The employee said, crossing his arms.

Red jacket scowled.

"Because your presence is making our customers uncomfortable. Please leave before I am forced to call security."

I took a seat and bit into my meal, watching as the guy called security, and I sighed in relief as the two men were escorted out of the food court.

Thank god that's over.

The food guy sat down across from me, smiling gently. "You okay?" He asked.

I smiled back. "Yeah. And thanks for the help."

Cutie just chuckled and shrugged. "It happens all the time. Need me to walk you to your car?" He asked.

"Nah, I'm waiting for my friends."

Cutie nodded in understanding, and I took the opportunity to dig around in my hoodie and give him a twenty dollar bill.
His eyes widened and I shrugged. "Think of it as a tip."

He beamed and pocketed the money.


I strolled out of the food court, keeping my hand on the pepper spray.

I looked around for Rachel and CJ, but couldn't find them.
Frowning, I pulled out my phone and tapped Rachel's contact.

Bringing it to my ear, it rang three times before she picked up.
"Rach?" I asked. There was a silence.

"Hanna?" Her voice was panicked, and I could hear how she was close to tears.
"Rach? Rach what's wrong?" I snapped, spinning in place.


"Rachel tell me where you are!"

"N-near th-the parking lot." She sobbed, my heart began to beat loudly against my chest, and my breath caught in my throat.

I heard CJ scream something in the background, and I blanched.
"P-please hurry!" Rachel cried.

"I'm on my way! Hold on!"

I hung up and began to sprint towards the front of the mall, adrenaline flooded my veins and I couldn't think of anything else besides getting to my friends.

Pushing people out of my way, I raced across the shiny floor. Scrambling for my phone along the way, I glanced down to call Rachel again, needing to hear her voice.

"LEAVE!" I heard Rachel scream threw the phone. I skidded to a halt and ducked behind a potted plant.

"What?!" I snapped.

"LEAVE HANNA PLEASE! JUST GO!" She sobbed so hard that I could hardly understand her.

"No! Rachel, tell me where you are!" I heard a distant scream, and my gut dropped to my toes.

"We're fine! Hanna, me and CJ are fine. But you need to run! They're coming right to you!" Rachel's voice shook and I heard a loud curse from CJ.

Unthinking, I stood up and continued to race towards where Rachel had said she was. I didn't care that she told me to run away, those idiots were practically my family, and to hell if I wasn't going to help my family.

People began to panic around me, all running from the opposite direction.

Turning a corner, I caught a glimpse of someone that reminded me of Quinn, before someone caught me around my waist and lifted me off my feet.

I let out an ear drum-piercing scream and kicked out.

"HANNA!" Rachel screamed in my ear. I dropped the phone and watched in slow motion as it shatter onto the floor.

"Let go!" I shouted, twisting furiously.
My arms were free, so I swung back and elbowed him in the throat.
I was dropped to the floor and I rolled into a lunging position.

Looking up, I saw the man in the red jacket from before. Twisting my head, I caught sight of Quinn. His purple hair stood out as he plastered himself to a wall, gapping at the action taking place.

"Call help!" I yelled out as I scrambled to my feet, ducking away from the mans swipes.

Quinn yelped an answer, then whipped out his phone and dialed something. I prayed it was the police.

"Got you!" Hissed another voice.
This one was the black jacket. He grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back. I cried out and dropped to my knees, thrashing in his grip.

The other man came grabbed my legs, together they hoisted me into the air. I thrashed against their grips, spitting curses that would make a sailor blush.

Wasn't anyone going to try to help me?
Nope, they were just running away.

Wow. Humanity sucks.

The two men carried me to the doors of the mall, and I struggled harder.
One of them kicked open the door, and just before I was forced away, I caught sight of Quinn reaching into his backpack and retrieving a visored helmet.

Our eyes locked as he lowered it onto his head, and then the door closed.

A/N: I hope that's long enough for you guys.

*evil laughter*

Aren't I just the bomb? So anyway, who's excited for the next chapter?! 🤚🤚🤚🤚🤚

I'll hit you a little hint: It's gonna involve the Flame Riders, and awesomeness.

Until next time my little riders!

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