Chapter twenty-nine: Flame Riders-unmasked. P2

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Noah was The Heat.

Noah was The Heat!

Noah was a Flame Rider!

By some force of nature, I ended up perched on top of the counter like a bird and started to shriek like one.

"I knew it!" I screamed, hopping frantically in place like a frog.

"Hanna...calm down..." Noah urged, slowly rising to his feet and holding out his hands palms out facing me.

"No I can't calm down! You know why? Because you're The Heat! How am I supposed to calm down?!" I was turning hysterical, hopping madly in place.

This made complete sense, but yet made no sense at all.
He showed me his motorcycle, there wasn't any flames!
But yet in school, he talked of his friend getting injured in a vehicle accident.
The Eye had disappeared from the Flame Riders that very day.

By now, the others were gathered in the kitchen too, watching me freak out upon the counter.

"But your motorcycle!" I said, pointing to Noah. "I saw it."

"No." He said with a head shake. "You saw Issac's." He explained, gesturing to The Eye. "He wanted me to hold onto it while he recovered. I knew you were suspicious, so I told you it was my own." Noah looked guilty, hanging his head and shuffling from foot to foot.

"But why didn't you tell me?" My voice dropped to a pathetic hesitated , and Noah hesitated before answering.

"Because we didn't want to scare you off." Was his answer.

Closing my eyes, I dropped my head into my hands.
"In ISD, I could have sworn you had the smell of engine oil mixed with cigarette smoke." I mumbled, mostly to myself.

"That's before we realized how interesting you could be for our channel. If we had known what would have happened, we would have masked it better."

I shook my head, trying to clear my mind.
"All those times I asked you about the Flame Riders...why didn't you just say it?"

Noah came forward, and hesitantly rested his hands on my shoulders.
"Hanna, listen to me. No one can know. We kept our identities a secret for a reason. How would Hellmington react if they found out that the motorcyclists that have been ruining their town went to their high school?" Noah asked, forcing me to meet his eyes.

"They'd probably find some way to arrest you." I muttered. Noah nodded, and I dropped my eyes.

Suddenly, a thought came to me and my head snapped towards C-Shot.
"You're Quinn." I blurted. C-Shot jumped in surprise, having not been paying attention.
"Quinn was at the mall when I was kidnapped. His helmet had a Go-Pro track on the top."

After a glance towards Noah, C-Shot slowly lifted his helmet off his head to show Quinn smiling sheepishly up at me. His purple hair was messy from the helmet, and he ran a nervous hand through it.

Next I looked towards Falcon and Flippity. "At the club, Rachel, Stacy and I only went to try to find out if Jonas was Flippity. When Noah was me carrying me, I messed up and asked if Jay was Flippity. He said no." I looked at Flippity with expectant eyes, and he reluctantly tugged off his helmet.

Jonas pressed his lips tightly together and offered me a small smile.
"Surprise..." he mumbled.

I turned to Falcon, and I suddenly realized how obvious his had been since the beginning.
Jay is another word for a bird, and his code name was Falcon.

Sure enough, Falcon pulled off his helmet and Jay shook out his blonde hair.

The Eye went last, but of course I already knew who he was.
Issac Goldman, the computer God of our school. He knew everything there was about computers, and could track any phone that had a connection.

"When Quinn called me saying that you had been kidnapped, I immediately texted Issac and told him to track any vehicle that recently left the mall. He replied with a white van that ran a red light and was speeding." Noah explained.
"So there was nothing else to do besides saddle up, and go chase you down." Noah ran a hand through his hair, his eyes were locked on to me.

I swallowed thickly, and closed my eyes.

So many emotions were swirling through my head, I couldn't pick just one.

"I want to go home." I croaked. The kitchen fell silent, and Noah pursed his lips.

After a moment, he nodded. "Of course. Jonas? Get her clothes." He said, helping me off the counter.
Jonas scurried off, hurrying up the stairs and out of sight.

Noah held me close, closer than was necessary as he led me out of the kitchen and back into the living room.

I was silent this entire time, staring hard at my feet.
"Where even are we?" I asked as Noah sat us back down on the couch.
He hesitated, looking around the large living room.

"Issac's place. This has kind of turned into our Flame Rider headquarters." He said, chuckling slightly. I just remained silent, tilting my head back to lean against the couch.


I slung the borrowed backpack cross my shoulder and faced the Flame Riders.
They looked very guilty, and I didn't have to think hard to guess why.

They were guilty because they hadn't told me about their secret until now.
Noah stood closest to me, and handed me a flip phone. "This is until you get your phone replaced." He explained, pressing it into my hand.

I looked closely at it, and flipped it open.
"Thanks, now I'll be the only kid in Hellmington with a flip phone." I drawled, earning chuckles from the guys surrounding me.

Noah opened the door, and handed me a twenty. "There's a bus station a few blocks down, a bus leaves in an hour." He said, avoiding my eyes.

I hesitated, facing the open door as a cool wind swept over me.
Turning and rising up to my tiptoes, I reached up and placed a kiss on Noah's cheek. He froze, and his eyes widened as he stared down at me.
"Thank you Noah." I whispered, then turned away and walked out the door.

A/N: Surprise update!
Vacation has been amazing, and we are about to drive for 10 hours straight without stopping, so here's a quick update before the wifi is taken from me.

Anyway, did any of the Flame Riders surprise you?
Or did you already know who they all were?
Comment your thoughts!
(Please. I love comments if you hadn't already guessed.)

Until next time my little riders!

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