Chapter thirty-seven: Rooming Rituals

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Once Issac took his leave, all that left us was the matter of sleeping arrangements.

"Girls together and boys together?" Rachel offered. I smiled, knowing that she was just offering because of Noah. If it had been CJ, Rachel, and I alone on a sleepover, we'd all just sleep in one bed.

I snuck a glance at Noah to see him already staring at me in way that made my spine tingle.
For some odd reason, I suddenly wanted to share a room with him. But no. He wasn't my boyfriend, apparently.

Plus, I didn't know what would happen if I left CJ and Rachel alone. Rachel, bless her heart, couldn't tell that CJ had a crush on her, and CJ, bless his heart, most likely couldn't survive a night alone with her.

There was an awkward silence that seemed to stretch forever. Noah stood across from us, leaned comfortably against the desk. CJ looked nervous at the thought of sharing a room with a mostly stranger, but I knew he was too protective over me and Rachel to offer any other way.

"Girls and boys sounds fine." Noah said with a shrug.

"But Savanna and Samantha might get nightmares. They aren't used to being away from home." CJ blurted.
I stand corrected. Apparently he was too much of a wimp to share a room with a tough motorcyclist.

"They can sleep with the boys then." Rachel said.

"No offense, but I don't find myself enjoying the thought of waking up to the sound of little girls screaming." Noah muttered.

"I sleep with the kids then and Hanna sleeps with Rachel?" CJ offered.

Noah raised objection at the thought of CJ sleeping near his little cousin, "no offense." He had said.

Rachel sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. I could practically hear the gears in her head turning.
"Alright. How about the twins sleep with CJ and I, while Addie sleeps with Noah, and Hanna..." she trailed off.

"I could sleep on the couch." I said with a shrug.

"No." Said all three at once. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"There's one queen bed in the second guest room, while the one the kids are currently sleeping in has two twin beds. Let's exclude my parent's room from this equation, since I don't want something to get messed up and them find out." Rachel said, walking over to her chalk board and stared to write.
I snorted. Of course Rachel would resort to such a brainy way of solving this.

"CJ wants to be in the same room as the twins," she said as she scribbled C/T on the wall. "Noah doesn't." N\T - N\C "Therefore CJ and Noah are unlikely to sleep together."

"I'm fine with sleeping with anyone." R/C/T/N/H

I just shrugged. "I'm sorry, but if the twins will cry then I want no part in that."

H\T - H\C

"Anything else?"

"I'm cool with anyone."

"So," Rachel muttered, circling the letters that match. "Hanna and I can share a room, Noah and I can share a room, Noah and Hanna can share a room and CJ and I can share a room." 

We all stared at the board.
"So..." I said, trailing off.

"Wait," CJ blurted. "Who sleeps in what rooms?"

Numerous groans filled the air.


A half hour later, we were so close to a solution that I could taste it.

Noah and I didn't want to sleep in the same room as the twins, in fear of them crying and keeping us up. Rachel was fine with literally anyone. CJ wanted to be with his sisters, and it was decided that Addie would sleep wherever Noah was.

Three people couldn't sleep in the guest room with the twin beds, so that ruled out Noah and Addie sleeping with anyone, along with CJ and the twins.

Rachel's bed was big enough for three or four people to sleep on, along with the guest room with the queen bed.

It was a lot easier once Rachel had written it out. Trust me.

Twin bed room pairs:

Rachel's room:

Queen bed room:

So, we ended up with three options.

Option uno: Rachel and I sleep in the twin beds while CJ and the twins take Rachel's room and Noah and Addie sleep in the queen bed.

Option dos: Rachel, CJ, and the twins all sleep in one room that is not the two twin bed room, Noah and Addie sleep in the queen bed, and I sleep alone in Rachel's room.

Option tres: I sleep with Noah and Addie. CJ + twins take the other room, and that leaves Rachel with the choice of either sleeping alone in the twin bed room, or with CJ and the twins.

"I have a headache." CJ groaned, rubbing his eyes from where he hung upside down on Rachel's bed, his head dangling near the floor.

Rachel was chewing on the chalk, frowning at the board while Noah was frowning from his perch on the desk. "It shouldn't be this hard!" He barked, annoyed and tired. I mutely agreed.

When I had said that I would be fine with sleeping with anyone but CJ and the twins, I could sense Rachel's confusion, since she thought that Noah and I weren't a couple.

And she's right. Hissed the mean voice in my head. I scowled, crossing my arms as I glared at the chalk marks.
Rachel excused herself to use the rest room, but no one responded, all of us staring intently at the options.

"There's only three." CJ mumbled. "Let's just pick one of them and go to sleep."

Suddenly, Rachel returned pink in the face. Crossing the room hurriedly, she picked up the chalk and crossed out option two, where she sleeps with CJ and the twins. "Something came up." She muttered quietly. I raised an eyebrow, and she stared back.

After a second, I understood.
Her auntie Flow had decided to drop in and say hello.

"Well, there's two left." CJ said, flipping over and sitting up.

"How about we flip a coin?" Noah suddenly said, pulling out a quarter. "Heads is option three, and tails is option one." Noah said. His tired voice had taken on a slightly husky tone, one that made it really hard to ignore him.

We agreed, and I was so tired that I didn't even remember that little fact about flipping coins until it was too late.

If you flip a coin, 9/10 times it will land on heads.

Noah flipped it, and I suddenly froze. What was I thinking?? I couldn't possibly sleep in the same room as Noah! Not after what happened earlier today, and the fact that he said we weren't together!

The coin landed, and I didn't even have to look to know what the answer was. Noah's lips tilted up into a haunting smirk as he pinned me under his gaze. "Looks like you're rooming with us, Berry."

A/N: An update on time?!Unheard of!

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