Chapter Fifty one: The End.

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The hot, humid air of the carnival mingled with the sickly sweet scene of cotton candy and fried food. If I opened my mouth, I could taste it on my tongue.
Around us, screams rang loudly through the air as the ground beneath our feet shook.
Such joy and thrill in such a small area, yet I found none of that in me at the moment.

I examined the silver bullet-shaped cylinder in my hands, a comical red button on top.
"So I just press this, and the police will come?"

Issac nodded and checked his phone. We sat together on a shaded bench, slushees beside us both. "Only press it when he's out in the open. The police will be alerted to your location and move in."

"And what if he moves before they arrive?"

"It's a tracker," Issac seemed to be getting tired of my questions. I sighed and tucked the button in my front jean pockets. A miracle, I know, that it even fit.

Around us, people I recognized from school moved through the carnival in groups, talking and laughing like they didn't have a care in the world. I touched my hair and glasses, reassuring myself that I was indeed in disguise.

"And where are the others?" We has gone over the plan ten times. A thousand times. A million times. But I still needed to be reassured, to be told that everyone was safe and out of harms way.

Issac sighed and gave me a crooked smile. "Safe, Hanna. Jay and Jonas are monitoring the area, CJ is with his sisters, Rachel is with him and Noah and Stacy are by the exit. They're safe."

I nodded and took a shuddering breath. "Alright," I breathed. "I'm ready."

Issac gave me a solemn nod before rising to his feet, taking his slushee with him.

I stayed on the bench for a few minutes longer before pulling out the burner phone. I flipped it open and read the only message there was.

Unknown: The basement. Noon.

I slipped the phone into my back pocket, took my slushee, and started across the fair grounds. I passed rides, food stands, laughing faces and crying kids. I passed them like a ghost, seeing but not truly understanding.

They went on with their lives unknowing of the danger that lurked just underneath them. Like a monster in his lair, the fair ground basement would be where this ended.

I entered the fair main building and smiled at the woman standing behind the counter. I waited until she looked away before ducking into the dim side hallway. It was quiet, now. No laughter or screams could be heard from this small hallway. I took another breath and held it, slowing my footsteps until they made no sound at all.

The basement door loomed before me all too soon. My heart in my throat, I gripped the handle and turned. It was unlocked. Wow. Such a shocker.

The stairs leading down to the basement were lit and I swallowed thickly. My fingers shook just the slightest as I dug them into my pockets, prepared to press the button at the first sight of my father.

My father...I was finally about to meet my father. I was about to meet him as an enemy. A prize to be won.

My ankle boots clicked softly off the steps as I descended into the basement, dragging my free hand along the wall as I went.

The stairs ended at darkness. I paused, straining my ears to hear something - anything. "Hello?" I called. My voice bounced back to me and I swallowed thickly. "Dad? Anyone?"

There came a soft scuffling from just outside my sight. "Hello?" No answer.
Dragging my hand along the wall, my fingers hit a light switch. I held my breath and flicked it up.

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