Chapter thirty-nine: More bad news.

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I woke the next morning to probably the best view a girl could ask for.

What is this view you might ask?

A shirtless, hot boy inches from your face, gently running a hand along your cheek while waiting for you to wake.

I blinked a few times as Noah grinned. "Morning Berry." He whispered. The corner of my lips twitched upwards. For a second, for just a golden second, I felt perfectly safe. No psycho father could get me here, nor a mother who doesn't understand the words "a free love choice".

"Morning." I sighed, snuggling closer. Who cares about getting up. I wanted to stay here for as long physically possible.

But this wasn't a fantasy (sadly). This was real life.


"MORNING SLEEPY HEADS!" Addie screamed before tackling us both.

The door was still swinging on it's hinges as Rachel came tiptoeing in a moment later. "Addie wait! They might be-...."
I sent Rachel a glare, daring her to finish that sentence as Addie pulled at my hair.

Rachel smiled apologetically at me before quickly disappearing, yelling how breakfast would be served in ten minutes.

Meanwhile, Noah struggled to extract a giggling Addie from my head, who seemed to take a liking to my hair.

"Jesus what did they feed you?! Cocaine?"

I kicked Noah and he rolled his eyes.
"What's cocaine?" Addie asked, smiling as she released me and sat on my stomach.
I shot Noah a "I warned you" glare before petting Addie's messy head.

"It's adult sugar."

"Can I have some?"

"Ask your mom when you see her next." Noah grunted as he tossed Addie off the bed. "Go bother the twins." He said, slipping from the sheets.

Addie beamed and began to hop in place. "They are so awesome! They let me braid their hair and Savanna said that we'll get married one day!"

Noah choked and I burst out into laughter.
"T-that's great Addie." Noah croaked, patting her head. The toddler grinned as she played with her black skirt.

"Can you make waffles?" She asked, twisting in place.

Noah sighed again and nodded, sending the girl shrieking happily from the room.

He turned back to me and I smiled as I sat up and stretched. "You take the bathroom while I change out here?" I suggested, kicking back the sheets. Noah's eyes lit up mischievously, and I pointed a finger at him.

"We are not changing in the same room. Now go!" I jabbed my finger at the bathroom door, and Noah laughed as he walked inside.


The rest of the week passed by in a flurry of Wii sports game tournaments, Rachel sending her parents on a surprise vacation to their beach house for "As a thank you for being awesome!", and the Flame Riders dropping by every so often to say hi.

Jay and Jonas visited early Monday morning to tell us that Ms Pave had excused Rachel, CJ, Noah and I from missing class. When I asked why she would do such an odd thing, Jonas shrugged and said she just did, telling Mr Newman, the principle, that we all came down with the flu.

Noah had snorted into his cup of milk when he heard this, while Rachel and CJ had exchanged odd glances. "I wonder why..." Rachel mumbled.

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