Chapter twenty-seven: Strawberries, Cards, and Knives, Oh My.

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       Yawning, my eyes slowly pried open to be met with the gentle stream of sunlight peeking threw a window.

Grumbling, I turned around and pressed my face into a pillow. Inhaling, I smelled a familiar cologne, and I nuzzled my nose deeper.
So good...

I would have stayed there forever, but my need to pee overcame me; forcing me to open my eyes and sit up.

Stretching my arms above my head, I moaned and opened my eyes.
My gaze fell upon the nightstand, and I raised an eyebrow in surprise.
A small white bowl of ripe red strawberries sat next to a folded piece of notecard.

Picking up the card, I flipped it open and saw familiar scrawny writing.
Don't panic.

Well that's reassuring. I thought to myself.

You may not remember, but we saved you from two thugs. (Good job with the pepper spray by the way.)
Now, the strawberries aren't treated. Eat them, they're good.
Once your done, you can take a shower in the next room. Some clothes are laid out for you.
~The Flame Riders

Well smack my arse and call me Sally. The Flame Riders really did save me, it wasn't a dream.

Slowly setting down the card, I hovered my hand above the strawberries. Gathering my courage, I plucked a berry and brought it to my lips. Biting down, a small smile made its way up my face. The card was right, they really were delicious.

And immediately, my brain felt less cobwebbed and my stomach growled with pleasure.

Licking the juice from my fingers, I swung my legs off the side of the bed and stood up. Looking around the unfamiliar room, I frowned at all the motorcycle posters plastered to the plain beige walls.
Of course a famous motorcyclist would have posters of bikini clad girls on bikes.

Rolling my eyes, I made my way to the connecting bathroom. Eyeing the small bathroom that consisted of a sink, toilet, and shower, I looked for obvious security cameras.
After scanning the bathroom twice and coming up clean, I deemed it safe to strip.

Pealing my sticky clothes off me, I tossed them aside and stepped into the shower.
A few minutes passed of me figuring out the controls, and once I was comfortable with the temperature, I squeezed some shampoo in my hands.
It was men's, but I wasn't surprised.

The warm water trickled down my body, easing my muscles from their stressful knots. I was safe, at least for now.
But as I lathered my body with soap, I couldn't help but wonder why I had been kidnapped.
If they had wanted to do anything as extreme as rape, they wouldn't have made that big of a scene. And they didn't look like sleazy rape-y men, they looked like...body guards.
My realization hit me like a brick, and my hands paused in mid rub.

Maybe someone had hired them to kidnap me. But why? And most importantly, who?


Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped the towel tightly around me and let my wet hair drip down my back.

Padding over to the mirror, I wiped away the steamy fog and peered into my reflection.
Dark bags hung beneath my eyes, and my face was paler that normal.
The kidnapping stunt had taken more out of me than I had thought. Licking my dry lips, I looked down by the sink and saw another bowl of strawberries and another card.

My Motorcycle GuardianOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora