Chapter thirty-one: The final straw.

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        Walking along my sidewalk, I nervously chewed my lip as I thought of what I could tell my mother.

There is no way she wouldn't have noticed my absence. Right?

Hey mom, Rachel and CJ had a spontaneous camping trip!

Hey mother dear, I was a rebellious teenager and ran away! But I'm back now because I realized how much I love you.

I wrinkled my nose and gagged at that last one.

I went on a shopping trip, then the mall closed and I was trapped in it.

Huh, odd. There was a red Lamborghini outside our house.

Hey mom. I was kidnapped. But don't worry! I'm safe now!

That led me to wonder if she even called the police when I disappeared.
Only one way to find out.
I stood in front of my door, hesitating.
Steeling my nerves, I twisted the knob and swung it open.

"Mom? I'm home." I called, kicking off my shoes.

"Hanna? Oh Hanna!" Came a cry. mother was...happy to see me?
What dark magic was this?!

My mom yanked me into a hug and I stiffened. "M-mom? You okay?" I questioned, holding her at arms length.

She was wearing a red dress and a black shawl, which was odd. Because shouldn't she still be wearing her work clothes?

"Hanna, guess who stopped by to say hi!" She said, grinning as she gestured to the side. Turning my head, I groaned.

Adam McRichboy stepped out from the shadows, smiling at me as he crossed the space between us.
"So we meet again Hanna." He said with a wink, taking my hand and kissing it.

That would explain the red lambo in our driveway.

"Mom...can I talk to you? Privately?" I hissed out, sending a sideways glance at my mom. She was still smiling like she just won the lotto, but I knew better than to suspect nothing less that an act.

"Of course honey! We'll be just a moment Adam!" She chirped, gently taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen.

As soon as the door swung shut, the curtain dropped.

"Would you like to explain yourself young lady?" She hissed, dropping her smile to a scowl.

Ah, there she is.

I opened my mouth to respond, but she plowed right over me.
"Do you have any idea how annoyed I was?!"

Not scared, not worried for my safety, she was annoyed.

"Adam stopped by three times during your absence! And I've had to reschedule a dinner with his family because of you!"

I stood there with a blank expression, letting her rant.
It wouldn't be the first time she was this annoyed because I didn't like a certain boy.

"What do you have to say for yourself young lady?!" She growled, narrowing her eyes at me.
Taking a breath, I slowly parted my lips.

"I was kidnapped. But I can see how concerned you were for my safety, so I thank you for that, dearest mother." I said calmly, keeping eye contact the whole time.

"Oh and by the way, thanks for calling the police also. You didn't know how relieved I was when I saw the boys in blue come to save me." I snapped, losing my calm facade.

"And I absolutely love how instead of lying to Adam's family, you didn't think to ask his father for help in finding me. Since you know, he's one of the most powerful people in this godforsaken town!"

"Don't raise your voice at me!"

"Seriously?! That's all you have to say?!" I shouted, throwing my arms out to the sides.
"I was scared for my life-"

"Stop lying to me, Hanna! I am your mother, I know when you're out there in the world getting into trouble!"

"How can you be this horrible?!"

"Hanna Evelyn June Green! You have no right to speak to my that way when I work day and night to try to find you a compatible man that doesn't yet know of your true nature!"

"What if I have my eyes on someone else?" I snapped, standing my ground.

My sentence took us both by surprise, and a few seconds passed in tense silence.

"Oh?" She asked curiously, dropping her scowl.
"Who's his family? Are they like Adams'?"

"I wouldn't know. I never asked. I don't even think he is rich!"

She gasped as if it was complete bull-poop to like someone just for who they were, and not for their power.

"You know how much I detest you spending time with the lower class-"

"Oh my God, you are the literal worst-"

"Adam is the perfect example of the type of men you should try to look for. He comes from money and power, which might just be what you need to rebuild your shattered reputation-"

"I don't care about the bloody reputation!" My fingers dug into my hair as I released a hysterical laugh.

"Stop with that tone young lady!-"

"I have the right to make my own decisions!"

"I have set you up with eligible bachelor after bachelor! You don't get to act unthankful-"


I was thrown to the floor, clutching my cheek as surprised silence filled the kitchen like thick smoke.

My eyes widened, and I looked up at my mom through my curtain of hair as she stared at her hand in disbelief, like she couldn't believe that she had just hit me.

Realization made my stomach lurch.
My mom had just hit me.

Scrambling to my feet, I felt hot tears burn my eyelids as I blindly fished for the door knob, never breaking eye contact.

"Hanna wait!"

But it was to late. I threw open the door and raced out of the kitchen, shoving past Adam and out the door.

I kept running, my worn sneakers beat the hot side walk as they carried me further and further from that place I never called home.

Hot tears ran down my burning cheek as I ran from the neighborhood.

We had always argued, but she had never actually hit me before.

As I left the land of perfect lawns and creepy gnomes, the sun got blocked by heavy clouds and a light rain began to sprinkle the world.

Soon, the raindrops mixed with my tears, hiding them from the world.

A/N: 😢

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