Chapter thirty-five: No, we arent a couple.

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We rolled up to the house I grew up playing at, and a swell of emotion seized my chest.
Before the car had even come to a full stop, I had flung open the door and ran towards the house.
At the same moment, the door opened and Rachel came stumbling out.
"Hanna!" She cried.

We met halfway, and collided.
I gripped onto my best friend like a koala, and she clung to me right back.

"Oh god I missed you," she whispered.

I squeezed her harder in reply.
"I missed you too."

Rachel pulled away, sniffling. The silver light of the moon reflected in the tear tracks down her cheeks and highlighted her messy bed hair and pink onesie.
"I'm so glad you safe, tell me everything." She said eagerly, then paused and frowned at my cheek.
"Hanna...your face-"

"I know," I cut her off, managing a smile.
"I know. I'll explain once we're inside. CJ here yet?"

Rachel nodded. "He brought Savanna and Samantha, saying that his mom was having another party."

I scowled, then nodded.
"And your parents?"

"Their across town going to a nonexistent 'best kept lawn in Hellmington' award ceremony." Rachel said with a shrug.

My lips tugged to a grin.
"Harry Potter? Book five?"

Rachel smirked. "Of course, what else?"
We giggled until we were silenced by a clearing of the throat.

We turned to see Noah walking up to us holding Addie in his arms.

I tried not to stare too long at Noah, his biceps bulging as he held Addie protectively to his chest.
"Hanna, you're staring." Rachel whispered.

Damn it.

I blushed and looked away while Rachel grinned like a chestier cat.

When Noah reached us, we stood together in the silence, the only noise was the crickets in Rachel's garden.

Noah smiled softly, and Rachel gave him a close lipped smile.
"Shall we?" She said, gesturing to the door.


"So you're The Heat?" CJ asked, tilting his head.

He sat on Rachel's bed, one arm around said owner of the bed and the other holding a backpack.

Noah nodded from where he leaned against Rachel's computer desk. I was relaxed in her bean bag chair, feeling sleep tug at my lids.

"Tell us again how you managed to save Hanna." Rachel pleaded, sitting up with interest.

Noah glanced at me, and I waved him on. I was too tired to speak, so he took over.

It was only after he was finished that I had the strength to stand and address the room.
We had put Addie, Savanna and Samantha in the guest room, all three girls had already been asleep, so we weren't worried.

Before I could tell them the reason they were gathered here, Rachel blurted out.
"So are you two a couple now?" She asked.

CJ peeked up in interest, and my eyes widened as memories from earlier that day came flooding back. Were we a couple? Didn't couples kiss and stuff?
My lips parted as I exhaled. I've never really dated before, and-


Something cold hit my heart as I glanced at Noah to see him shrug, face as empty as a bucket of holes.

"We're not," He said.

I swallowed the sour taste in my mouth and forced a smile on my face.
"Yeah," I chirped, hearing the slightest tremble in my voice. "Just friends."

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is so bad, I just really wanted to get it done and give you guys something.

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