Chapter thirty-four: I will survive

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"Noah!" I screamed, running back into the house.

He met me in the kitchen and grabbed my arms as I shot towards him.

Now, usually in the cliche world I wouldn't have told him in fear of him getting hurt.
But this was real life, and I was panicking.

"Get Addie! Where's Addie? Addie?!" I called, frantically twisting my head in hopes of seeing her somewhere.
Noah frowned down at me in confusion, but either way turned to find her. "Relax, I'll find her."

I grabbed onto his hand, tugging him back. "No! No no no, don't do that!"
Hysteria seized control of my brain and refused to let go. If he left the room, something might happen to him.
"Noah,the call. Themanclaimedtobemy dad, hethreatenedto hurt you guys!" I exclaimed, feeling my breath get caught in my lungs.

Noah's eyes widened just a fraction,
he slowly slipped his hand from my grasp and used it to cup my face instead.
"Hanna, I need you to breath." He whispered, using his other hand to rub my back.
"I can't understand you when your hysterical." He spoke like a concerned parent, and I closed my eyes, sucking in breath after breath.
His cologne invaded my senses, and instantly, I was calmer.

"Noah," I breathed. I opened my eyes, looking up to meet his.
"My dad called. He threatened to hurt you and Addie." I said lowly so that Addie couldn't hear. "He's the reason I was kidnapped. He threatened me saying that if I keep escaping his advances, that he'll hurt you guys." I whispered, digging my fingers into Noah's arm.
Noah pursed his lips, obviously digesting this new situation. He was silent for a minute, the only sound was our breathing and the sound of Addie singing in the next room over.


"Just now, outside."

Noah nodded his head, then released me and turned away. "You still have that phone I gave you?" He asked, marching to the linen closet and pulling out a duffel bag.
I nodded, fumbling in my pockets before pulling out the flip phone.

"Good. Call your friend, the rich one. Tell her you're coming over with some friends."

I blinked. "What?" I know Rachel would die for me, would she really open up her house to two mostly strangers?

"If he knows about us, he'll know about her. We need to get together and make a plan." A new tone had set into Noah's voice, one I never heard before. It was deep and authoritative, and I could listen to it all day long.

Nodding slowly, I flipped it open and stared at the number key pad.

Outside the kitchen, I heard Noah chasing after Addie, telling her to pack an over night bag.
Apparently she wanted to pack her entire Barbie play set, and Noah wasn't having it.

I tapped in the numbers and held the phone to my ear, holding my breath.

"Rachel Durman speaking, how can I help you?"

Oh thank God.

"It's me, Hanna."

"Oh thank the heavens! I was worried you wouldn't call again." Rachel laughed.

"Listen, I know you probably think that I joined the CIA or something with all these mysterious calls from random numbers, but I need you to get your parents out of the house for the night and clean up the guest room." I quickly explained.

"Excuse eh moi?"

"I know! I'm sorry. But something bad is happening and they need a place to stay. Call CJ and have him over too." I added as an afterthought. I then considered Stacy, then dismissed it. She would be safe with Jay, and plus, she just recently became my friend. My dad couldn't possible know about her.

Rachel sighed over the phone. "You better bring food and an explanation." She mumbled before ending the call.

Grinning to myself, I slipped the phone back into my pocket and ran off to find Noah.
I didn't deserve such an amazing friend.


A half hour later, Noah piled us all into his car and started the engine almost immediately.

The sun was setting, casting large shadows around us as we sped from his neighborhood at speeds most likely illegal.

Addie had complained, telling us that her mom would be picking her up soon. Noah simply told her to text her mom and tell her that they were going for a sleepover at a friend's house.

About 5 minutes into the drive, Addie fell asleep and I was staring out the window, trying to gasp onto what little sanity I had left.

In just one day, I had learned the truth about the Flame Riders, found out my feelings for Noah, gotten slapped by my mother, nearly kissed Noah, got a call from my father who my mom claimed was insane, then said father threatened to kill all the ones I love.

"What a day," Noah muttered, making me jump. He chuckled and kept his eyes on the road. "You were whispering a monologue." He explained.
I blushed and looked back out the window.

"If someone had told me a month ago that all of this would take place, I'd tell them to phone their nearest rehab center." I mumbled, hugging my arms.

"Has it really been a month?" Noah asked, sounding surprised. I nodded, pressing my fingers to the window and seeing the fog slowly surround them.

"Would it be wimpy to say that I'm scared?" I whispered, watching as the sun slowly disappeared behind the houses that I grew up seeing.

Noah shook his head, and placed a hand on my arm.
"Of course not. In truth, I'm scared to." He admitted. His eyes flickered to the rear view mirror where Addie could be seen hugging a pillow to her chest, sleeping peacefully.

I smiled softly, then closed my eyes and took a breath.
I could do this. I would survive this.
I'm Hanna Evelyn June Green, if I can survive Hellmington High, then I could sure as hell survive this.

Early update just because I love you guys! In case you didn't read the AN before this chapter, I now have a rating! I'm so happy!

In other news, I have a new superhero book about a villain and a 16 year old hero and how the villain doesn't want to hurt/harm the little hero.
(You should check it out. It's funny)

Until next time my little riders!

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