Chapter fourty-two: I want you to meet my friend, baseball bat.

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I woke that night to the sound of screams.

Throwing off the blankets and grabbing the baseball bat that Jonas gave me, I leapt from the bed and opened my door.

Jonas opened his door too, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "What's going on?" He yawned.

"Someone's screaming." I explained, holding down my fear as I crept to a window, Jonas not far behind.

We both looked out the window, and Jonas frowned. "Its coming from your friend's house." He muttered, pointing to the lit windows at CJ's house. Faintly, you could hear loud voices screaming and yelling.

My breath hitched. What if my dad was there? What if he tracked CJ and is trying to find me right now?

"Hanna wait!" Jonas yelled after me as I ran into the night, clutching the baseball bat.

My bare feet smacked the cool pavement of the sidewalk as I sprinted towards his small house. The night air chilled me to the bone, my thin PJ's provided little protection.

When I reached his house, I didn't bother knocking as I kicked open the door.

I froze on the threshold. My eyes snapped first to where Savanna and Samantha clutched each other in the corner, crying as they held one another. Their hairs were messy and their matching night gowns were tussled, like they had been thrown out of bed.

Next, my gaze was drawn to CJ, standing protectively in front of them with his arms thrown out, yelling as Celeste screamed back. My blood began to boil as I took in her smudged make-up, slutty outfit, messy hair, and drunken slurs.
Their mother was drunk...again.

"They are my babies! I can do whatever I want to them!" She shouted, waving an empty vodka bottle wildly in the air.


My eyes widened, and I took a step into the room. "She...what?" I seethed. CJ's eyes snapped to me, and a mix of emotions slid across his face.

"Hanna..." CJ breathed.

Celeste spun to me, and I grimaced. She looked worse face to face. "Who the hell are you?! Get out of my house!" She slurred, staggering slightly.

She didn't remember me. She didn't remember the girl who had practically lived here when we were younger, the girl who helped her bake cookies and clean the house, before everything went down the drain.

I tightened my hold on the bat, narrowing my eyes at her. "What's going on?" I barked, standing my ground even as Celeste spewed curses at me.

"Two men showed up a few minutes ago," CJ began. His voice shook with barely contained rage as he pointed an accusing finger at his mother. "And this bìtch tried to get money out of them by selling herself to them. When they declined, she offered them Savanna and Samantha!" CJ seethed.

Never before had I see CJ so furious. His eyes were alight in fury, his nostrils flared as he heaved and his hands shook.

I looked towards Celeste, grinding my teeth. "You what?!"

"I'm an adult! I can do what I want!" She grumbled, spitting at my feet. Not taking a moment to hesitant, I dropped the bat and swung my fist.

The sound of skin meeting skin cracked through the air. I had nailed her right in the jaw.
Like a rock, she dropped to the ground.

Savanna and Samantha began to cry louder, cowering behind CJ as snot ran down their faces.
CJ looked up at me with wide eyes. Now that I saw him clearly, my eyes landed on an ugly bruise just below his eye.

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