Chapter forty-four: Meet Naomi, my British twin.

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A/N: Thank you all for being so patient with me. I am a very busy person and this weekend has been the worst. I also had some trouble with Beta Readers.
Now, the moment you've been waiting for, the update!


"Here." CJ said, placing a box before me.

I looked up from my coffee and eyed it with a bleary gaze.
"What's this?" I asked, nudging it with a finger.

An image on a woman's head stared seductively from the box, her ink black hair wrapping around her like a shawl.

I cocked an eyebrow. "Hair dye?"

"Yeah." CJ slid into the chair across from me. Dark bags hung under his eyes, and a slight stubble dotted his chin and jaw. He hadn't slept much last night.

"What for?" I yawned, taking a sip of coffee. We sat at Jonas's coffee table while Noah and Jonas were at school.
They needed to go back just in case the school was being watched. It would be suspicious if all of us just disappeared into thin air; and since no one at school really knew of my friendship with Noah and his gang, they wouldn't suspect a thing.

Plus, Mrs. Pave couldn't excuse us forever.

"You heard that guy last night. He said you looked just like your mother. They can identify you by your hair." CJ explained, gesturing to my messy blonde hair tied up in a knot on my head.
When I continued to look unamused, CJ shrugged and picked at the table.
"Just another safety precaution." He mumbled. His ears turned pink and I sighed.

Changing the subject, I glanced towards the stairs. "Where's the girls?" I asked, not remembering if I saw them as Noah and Jonas got ready for school.

CJ poured him self a a bowl of Cheerios.
"They're at daycare. I didn't want them in school, same as Noah with Addie. I drove the three of them to the daycare center that they usually go to in the summer when I have work." CJ said, spooning cereal into his mouth.

I pursed my lips, eyeing the hair dye.
I was getting restless here, cooped up like a chicken with no where to go, waiting for the foxes to find her.

"If I dye my hair..." I began slowly. CJ looked up, raising both eyebrows.
"Do you think I could go back to school?"


"It says to rinse!"

"It hasn't been 15 minutes yet!"

"Yes it has!" CJ argued, holding out the stopwatch.

I scowled. "It's been 14 minutes and 30 seconds! I don't want to take any risks!"

CJ threw his hands up in the air in aggravation then turned away.

We waited 30 seconds, then CJ practically drowned me when he shoved my hair under the sink faucet.

Spitting out water and bitter tasting dye, I backed away from the sink, wiping my eyes with a towel.
"Jesus man! It says rinse, not drown!" I snapped at CJ, chucking the towel at his face.

CJ yanked the cloth from his eyes and tossed it in the bathtub. He went to argue again, but he froze as his eyes widened.

I frowned, glancing around at the used-to-be-clean-bathroom. Blue-black dye smudged the marble counter as fingerprints and hand prints, while towels, brushes, and practically anything we touched was also stained dark blue.

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