Chapter 1 - The run away

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I could hear my parents' loud whispers from down the hall. Do those to ever stop arguing? But it made me curious to why they were whispering. I climbed out of bed, my long black hair hitting my face. My plaid patterned pajama bottoms and my white t-shirt clung to my fit body.

I went over to the door and cracked it open a little bit. I listened.

"But she's our only hope of winning this war", my father said. "She is Luna". They must be talking about my sister, May. There is no way in hell that I could be Luna.

Luna is the most powerful female werewolf that is born every 300 years. The Luna is usually the daughter of an Alpha.

"And what if Abigail gets killed", my mother snapped. "Then what"? I couldn't belive what I'm hearing. I can't be Luna. People already expect waaaaay to much from me.

"Who cares. As long as we get rid of those disgusting creatures, we'll have nothing to worry about".

I let out a small gasp and shut the door quietly. Tears ran down my face. must really hurt. Because I never cry. But they don't care about me. All they care about is that stupid war. I go to my closet and pulled out my gym bag. I packed all the clothes I could manage and left my phone and swiss army knife on my desk. I probably won't need them.

"If they don't care if I die, then they won't care if I'm gone", I mumbled. I slipped on my converse and went to the window. I had left it open and had never closed it. I jumped, landing on my back.

"Bloody hell", I moaned struggling to stand. (A/N: Sorry, but had to use the words "bloody hell". I'm a huge Harry Potter Fan.) I hope May didn't hear that. I get to my feet and walk to the entrance of the forest. I looked back at the house.  The kitchen light was still on so I guess they were still talking. I turned away and entered the forest before I could change my mind.

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