Chapter 6 - Training

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I've been staying with the vampires for 4 days now and I think people are beginning to trust me. Instead of flares shot at me from every direction, I receive warm smiles.

Thomas predicts that the transformation will be complete in 1 or 2 days. This had reminded me that my birthday was next week. I grew nervous. What will happen to me?

Through those 4 days, I began to thirst for blood. I drank 1 to 2 bottles of blood a day. When I'm thirsty, my eyes would glow bright red but other that my eyes were back to normal. Thomas has been doing research on werewolves bitten by vampires.

I was laying across my bed, flipping through an old book Thomas told me to read. He's been trying to teach me about his history and stuff. Surprisingly, it was actually interesting.

I think Toby hates me less now. Thomas has made him teach me defense. We aren't friends but at least we're not at each others throats. I enjoy learning defense. I have another lesson with Toby in the morning. There's a large clearing I. the woods where we train. I looked at the watch on my arm when I finished the 5th chapter. I had a couple hours before I had to join Toby in the clearing. I fold the corner of the page and closed the book, replacing it on the bedside table.

I fell against the pillows, trying to at least get 2 hours of sleep but I was wide awake. I didn't fall asleep until the sky outside had turned pink. I think I got a good 15 minutes of sleep when there was a knock at the door.

I didn't answer. I heard the door open and footsteps walking towards me.

"Abigail", Toby said. "Get up. You need to train". He shook my shoulder. I groaned and rolled over on my side so my back is facing him.

"Go away", I snapped. Toby sighed.

Suddenly, the covers were ripped off my body. I opened my eyes.

"Ah", I moaned as the sunlight hit my eyes. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"I thought I was supposed to meet you in the clearing", I murmured. I looked up at him when my eyes adjusted to the light. He wore a white sleeveless t-shirt revealing his muscular arms. He also wore black skinny jeans and converse.

Now, let me remind everyone that I do believe that he is the most annoying person on the planet. In fact, if he was the last man on earth, I'd turn lesbian. If he was the last person on earth, I'd become a nun.

That said, he is really freaking HOT. But I can't exactly let him know that.

"I came to get you because I knew you weren't going to get up unless someone literally drags you".

I laughed knowing this was completely true.

"Hurry up", he said stepping back out into the hall. He shut the door behind him. I mumbled to myself as I got ready. I showered, then dressed in a pair of faded jeans and a gray tank top. After slipping on my vans, I heard a knock at the door.

"Hurry up", Toby yelled.

"Calm your tits", I called back. He is so impatient. I pulled my hair into a pony tail and stepped out into the hall.

"Ready", I said. He nodded and swung a bag over his shoulder.

We leave the mansion and head in the direction of the clearing. Toby helped me over large fallen trees. Oh why does his touch turn me on some much? Get a damn grip Abigail!

We finally made it to the clearing and I was surprised to see Dj there.

"She wanted to help", Toby explained as she ran up to us.

"Hey", she said pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back then went to the middle of the clearing. I noticed that the practice drummies that we usually use were gone.

"Where's the dummy, dummy"? I asked Toby.

"Were going to practice without them. Today you're going to practice on me and Dj".

YES!!!!! I can finally get revenge on him for being so mean to me. I nodded and crouched into a launching position. I lunged at Toby. He grabbed my arm and roughly pinned it behind my back. He slammed my body against the ground.

"Ow", I yelled. "No fair"! I heard Dj laugh. I turned my head so I could see Toby. He looked disappointed.

"You can't go for the obvious attack", he said. "I know you haven decided whether you're going to fight with us in war but you need to be prepared".

"I know", I barked him. "Now, GET OFF"!

He let go of my arm and helped me up. Then I attacked. I slammed into his chest when he let go of me. He fell and I pinned his arms to the ground.

"how's ok feel to be man handled"? I asked. I laughed as he struggled. I let him up an backed away a few steps just in case. He got his feet.

"You're getting better", he said. For some reason, it sounded like an insult. I growled at him and turned to look at Dj. She was looking between Toby and me.

"What", I asked.

"Noooooothing", she giggled.

We continued to train though Dj didn't do jack shit! She told me that she wasn't as good as Toby. I immediately knew something was up. We left the clearing around when the sun began to set. I was so tired at this point that I actually pretended to pass out so that Toby would carry me.

We got back to the mansion and I finally opened my eyes.

"Good, you're awake", Toby said.

"Awake? I was never asleep. I was just to lazy to walk". Cm laughed.

Toby sighed and set me on my feet. Eh suddenly grabbed my arm.

"I need to talk to you", she whispered in my ear. She looked at Toby. "Privately". Toby stared at her in confusion. She dragged me off to my room. I immediately collapse on the bed. Cu shut the door behind her.

"You like Toby", she sang in a high pitch voice.

"What are you talking about", I asked.

"Don't play innocent with me you young lady", she said. "I've seen how you act around him. You like him".

This made me aggravated. I snatched a pillow off the bed Nd through it at her face. She dodged it neatly and laughed.

"Get out", I snarled.

"You can't deny the attraction you feel towards him". Then she left.

"Bitch", I murmured.

Night FallOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora