Chapter 9 - Truth revealed

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It's 12 in the afternoon and I cannot get to sleep. I wonder if May has told mom and dad about me. And if she did, what would they say. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard foot steps from outside my door. I get up and quietly opened the door. I looked just in time to see Thomas walk around the corner.

I follow him and see him leaving the mansion. This is my chance to snoop through his office, I thought. I run down the hall until I stopped outside Thomas 's office. I step inside. The walls were lined with bookshelves.

The books looked ancient. I shut the door behind me and walked up to the desk in the center off the room. The desk was cover with papers. I glance back at the door then quickly sat in the leather chair. I look at the papers.

"What the hell", I whispered. There were of me. Information about me. Why does Thomas have this? I lift up a piece of paper that had Thomas's handwriting on it. A picture of me was stapled to the corner.

Luna: A powerful female werewolf born every 300 years. Powerful enough to destroy anything.

This girl must be killed no matter what. She could wipe out our entire race.

What. The. FUCK!?  Out of anger, I roughly push all the papers of the desk. I went to the Boom shelves and began throwing books across the room. I smash the pictures on the wall and threw the chair against the shelves.

I panted looking around the now destroyed office.

I need to get out of here, I thought. I run over to the door just as it swung open revealing Thomas. He looked totally pissed. I back away as he walked into the room. He stared at the destroyed office. I am so screwed.....


CLIFFHANGER!!!!  Hey guys I'm sorry for not updating I've been grounded and I had to seek onto my mom's phone. I'll update soon TTYL peeps :3

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