Chapter 5 - New Friend (Part 2)

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I woke up at 8 p.m. sharp. The room had become steamy and humid. I pulled the covers off and went over to the windows. I opened the window half way when I noticed a couple of people outside a few feet away.

I shut the window with unnecessary force and they looked in my direction. They hissed and growled loudly. I shut the curtains and backed away. Creepy. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and realized I was still wearing my dirty pajama bottomed and t-shirt. I walked through the door that was beside the bed which led to a bathroom. I took a quick shower and found my gym bag behind the door.

I pulled out my white basketball shorts and a black tank top. I pulled my now clean black hair into a pony-tail and slipped on my white vans that were at the foot of the bed. I stepped out into the hall.

I knew that wondering the halls without Thomas with me was a bad idea, but I am NOT staying in that hot room all day....well night. As I wondered the halls, I received glares and growls of hate.

I realized that everyone was going in the opposite direction than me. Thomas must have called for that meeting he was talking about.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my forearm and spun me around. A was about to go all ghetto on someone ass when I realized it was Toby.

"You're not supposed to be out here", he said in a cold voice. I snatched my arm away.

"I'm not going to sit in that room all day or night or WHATEVER". He turned and walked away.

"Fine but if you get attacked, it's not my problem" he said as he turned the corner. Ugh! I wish I could just through him out of a window. I continued walking in the direction I was going but when I turned the corner, I ran into something hard. I stumbled and fell on my butt. I looked up and saw a girl with long ginger hair that stopped at her waist. She stared at me with wide eyes.

"Oh my goodness"! She cried. "Are you alright"? I got to my feet and stared at her in confusion. She had one hand over her mouth, her bright blue eyes wide with guilt.

I expected her to threaten me or at least insult me but she looked harmless.

"Are you alright", she asked again.

"Yeah", I said, straightening my shirt.

She let out a sigh of relief and a smile grew on her face. She was a couple inches shorter than me. She wore a fellow sun dress with white sandals.

"What's your name", she asked.

"Abigail", I said. "What's yours"?

"Dj". She held out her hand for me to shake. I took it without hesitation.

"Don't worry. I won't harm you".

"But I'm a werewolf".

She shrugged. "We'll Thomas has let you stay, so he obviously trust you. And I want to be your friend".

A small smile appeared on my face. "Okay".

She squealed in delight. She grabbed my hand and pulled me back down the hall. We slowed to a walk after a while and she let go of my hand.

"Why aren't you at the meeting"?

"They'll fill me in later".

We won't to my bedroom. We sat on the unmade bed and Dj told me about herself. Turns out, Dj was born a vampire and she stopped aging at the age of 18, like most vampires were born.

But humans that were bitten stopped aging when there next birthday was. So say a human was changed at 15, she wouldn't stop aging till her next birthday.

"I've been 18 for 263 years", she told me. "Living forever gets boring at times but I got used to it".

We changed the subject to me. Why I ran away. What it felt like to shift. I honestly didn't know how it felt. May said it was extremely painful the first time. I hope she was lying.

Dj left when she heard loud chatter out in the hall. She told me that we should hang out again. I told her to meet me later if she had time.

"I've got nothing but time", she laughed as she shut the door behind her.

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