Chapter 20 - Shocks

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Abigail's POV

My father barked and the pack came rushing towards us. I shifted into my wolf form, growling. I went straight for May and I believe she had the same plan. We bounded into eachother, scratching and biting. She hit the gorund, hard. SNarling and growling in pain, she struggled to push me off, blocking my aim for her neck. Her claws scratched against my belly and I flinched, jumping back. Chaos continued to surround me rapidly. I could seen some bodies lying in the leaves. I prayed that know of them was Toby.

May suddenly took advantage when I was distracted and slammed into me. Suddenly, the weight of May's body disappeared and she was sent flying. As I got to my feet, May came charging. But it wasn't at me. I turned my head a little to see Chase, glaring at my sister. Before I could reacted, May was on top of him, ripping him to shreds before my very eyes. I wimpered as Blood mixed in with the autumn leaves. But my sadness quickly turned to anger and I attacked May while her back was turned. I had my mouth around her neck.

Please... May pleaded to me through my link.

I looked into her eyes and a growl rumbled in my chest. You had your chance! And without hesitation, I bit down slowly. I could hear the bones in her neck snapping as May howled in pain. Her heart beat began to slow and she mind linked me again.

I'm sorry. I love you. Her heart stopped. I dropped her and stared at my sister's lifeless body. I whimpered and ran off to find Toby. Though I knew, May could no longer hear or talk to me, I thought: I love you too.I ran passed fighting wolves and vampires, trying to avoid getting noticed. Then someone mind linked me. It was a woman's voice. Think fast! Before I could make sense of who it was, I was on the ground, my belly against the ground. I realized it was my mother by her scent and I snarled, struggling beneath her. Her paw pressed against my back. I whimpered out in pain as My mother's huge head bent down, her mouth suddenly around my neck.

I'm going to kill you, just like you did her!

I knew she was talking about May. I countinued to struggle, though I know it was useless. So, this is how it ends? Being killed by my own mother. My own flesh and blood. Then, without hesitation, she snapped my neck.


Toby's POV

I was fighting against the Alpha when I felt a sudden pain in my chest. I pushed the Alpha back, sending flying a few feet away as a loud howl filled the clearing. I stopped breathing. Abigail. I spend off, following her scent through the chaos. I hit the end of her trail. Sitting at my feet, was Abigail, still in her wolf form, dead. Her mother stood a few feet away, ready to pounce. The Alpha's wasm't far behind. As the Alpha came up behind me, I swore I saw something flicker by Abigail's body. I stared. Her parents seemed to pause as well, staring at her. Suddenly, her body began to glow. I stared down at her in amazement as the light grew brighter. The fighting around us had stopped.

The wolf began to slowly fade and I paniced. I knelt down and brought the body into my arms. Blood stained her neck. The wolf faded completely, leaving a pale, nude girl in my arms. Abigail's eyes snapped open revealing blood red eyes. She lept from my arms and immediatly grabbed hold of her mother, her arms wrapped around the wolf's chest. The Alpha growled and shifted.Two wolves ran over and blocked the man's privates. Thank God!

"Wait", he barked. Abigail stared into her father's eyes. "Please don't kill her". Instead of loosening her grip, Abigail tightened it, glaring. Abigail's mother whimpered.

"Why", she snarled. "Why should I let her live"? The Alpha looked shocked at first then he composed himself, his face completely livid. I stood up and jumped in between them. If he so much as lay a finger on her I'll.....

"How can you fight against your own pack? How can you join th vampires? Our enemies"?

I heard a bone snap as Abigail tighten her grip even more. Her mother barked in pain, struggling against her strength. "They are more like a family to me than you ever were", Abigail said. I looked back and forth between the Alpha and Abigail and a sudden idea popped in my head. I turned to Abigail.

"Abigail, let her go", I demanded. She stared at me in disbelief. giving me a are- you-that-stupid look.

"Just do it", I said. She sighed and dropped her mother, not even trying to be gentle.Two wolves came up, growling at me as they helped the Alpha's mate to her feet and helped her away from us.Trina, I think her name was, ran up, carrying a black bookbag. I had forgot we had brought clothes for Abigail. She stood in front of her as Abigail pulled the clothes on.

I looked over at the Alpha. "Why are we even fighting"? I asked. "Can't we live in peace"? I mentally kicked myself. I was sounding like that doctor guy from Twilight. Yes, I've watched the Twilight movies. I just wanted to see how gay Stephanie Meyers made us vampires look.

"If I am correct", the Alpha hissed. "You are the one who started the conflict between both of our kinds centuries ago".

"Yes", I said. "And I don't regret it. If those wars never took place, I wouldn't have met your daughter and feel the happiness that I have felt these past weeks".

****Abigail's POV******

As I changed into my clothes, Toby began talking to my father.

"Why are we even fighting"? he asked. "Can't we live in peace"?

"If I am correct", my dad hissed. "You are the one who started the conflict between both of our kinds centuries ago". I really wanted to walk over and rip his head off. Not because he betrayed me but because of how he talked to Toby. I pulled the shirt over my head.

"Yes", Toby said. "And I don't regret it. If those wars never took place, I wouldn't have met your daughter and feel the happiness that I have felt these past weeks". My heart skipped a beat at these words. I tapped the girl that was standing in front of me on the shoulder. She looked at me and nodded and moved from in front of me. 

My father looked from Toby to me and back, shock and confusion clear on his face. Everything was silent except for light wind blowing through the air. Then Toby spoke again.

"I am aware that some of your pack has the ability to create a magic barrier. Perhaps that will keep our kinds from crossing the border.

Magic? Magic?! What the hell! I didn't know anything about this! My father looked around at the pack before nodding. He agreed!! A smile broke out on my face as my dad shifted back into his wolf for and helped my mom to her feet. Him and two others from the pack helped her walk back to the woods. The others followed, glaring at us as they passed. I saw two of them carrying May's body. Her last words to me still rang in my head.

I stared as the pack disappeared through the trees. Toby suddenly wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I then wondered if he knew about Chase. As if answering my question, Toby said, "I'm really going to miss him". 

I turned to face him, placing both my hands on his cheeks. "Are you okay"? I asked. I could see his eyes start to fill with tears as he pulled my against his chest.

He laughed weakly. "How can you ask me if I'm okay when you are the one who had the death experience". I laughed a little and hugged him back. After a while, we headed back to the mansion. Others had gathered the bodies of the people who were killed. Some men and women, I saw, were crying their eyes out for the loss of their husband or wife or family members. I felt bad for them. Toby took my hand in his and looked down at me. I smiled a little. He leaned down and pecked me on the lips. Now that I had nothing to worry about, I was happy.


The End. I finally finished it. I am going to make a bonus chapter for this and there will be no sequal. Thank you to all my followers, voters, and commenters for suppoorting me through this story whether you were with me from the beginning or not. 

I will be making more stories. I have uploaded the first two chapters of my new teen fiction story called Unconquered. Go to my profile to find it and tell me what you think. 

I'm really am thankful for all you guys. Love yall!!!!!!!


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