Chapter 11 - Life on my own.....

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I finally made it out of the woods and found myself in the middle of a road. The only lights came from the dimly lit street lamps. There were buildings across the street. The doors and windows were boarded up with wood. I sighed. I wanted to go back to the mansion. Back into Toby's strong arms. Wait....what?! I cannot beleive I just thought that. Besides, I'm on my own now. No turning back. I pushed the thoughts of Toby and the mansion and everything else out of my head. Right now, I need to focus on finding a place to stay.

I turned left and began walking. I kept thinking, 'Fuck my Life' over and over again in my head. Soon the buildings turn to small stores and bars. I passed thugs, drug dealers, and prostitues. And this homeless guy kept staring at me with lust filled eyes. Ew.

I walked inside one of the buildings at random and found myself in an old looking lobby. On the far side of the room was a woman and a man on the one couch in the room. The woman was sitting on the man's lap as his hands ran up and down her thighs then disappearing up her dress.

Have I told you guys how much my life sucks yet? I walk up to the couple on the couch.

"Do either of you work her", I asked. 

The broke away from their make out session.

"I do", the man said, looking me up and down with a smirk on his face. The woman sent me a glare. 

"How may I help you"? He asked me as he eyes fell to my chest. Pervert. 

"How much do the rooms here cost"? I asked crossing my arms over my chest defensively.

"100 dollars a night", he said.

100 DOLLARS?! Hell, I'd rather live on the streets than pay that kind of money just for a rundown room.

"But I can let you pay half. I don't usually give discounts but I'll do anything for you beautiful". He smiled. The woman looked at him in disbelief then glared at me as if she wanted to kill me.

UGH!!! SO fucking disgusting. I nodded and turned and left. Ok, all I have to do is get 50 dollars. I think I can find a job around here. I walked down the street and into a hair store. I walked up to the counter. A chubby black woman sat behind it, reading a magazine.

"Um, excuse me", I said. She looked up, clearly annoyed.

"What", she snapped.

"I was wondering if you have an open job". She looked at me for a moment.

"Okay", she finally said. "You can have morning shift. This job pays 5 dollars an hour. You'll start in the morning".

Then she went back to her magazine. Is that it? I thought it would be harder. Like I'd have to fill out an application. And I guess I have to go to sleep at night now. I leave and make my way back to the motel. The man and woman were still there, groping eachother. I walk up.

"Can I pay when I leave the motel permanetly"? I asked directly. 

They didn't break apart. The man grunted and jabbed his thumb towards the table which had a key on it. I'll take that as a yes. I grabbed the key. The tag on it said 'Room 365'. I head down the one hallway and found my room. I unlocked it, stepped inside, then locked it behind me. The room smelled of cigarrettes and alcohol. A couch was pushed against the wall under a boarded up window. There was also a fridge and a desk. And that was it. Well, and a moldy looking blanket.

I groaned. Was this even worth running away for? I dropped my bag next to the couch and lied down, pulling the blanket over me. I moved onto my side and coughed violently as a big cloud of dust cam from the blanket. Could things get any worse?

Night FallDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora