Chapter 15 - Depression

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"What did you say", I asked.

"Dj is dead. She was found in the hall near Thomas's office. We haven't moved here-". 

I bolted past him, not allowing him to finish. It can't be true,i thought. It can't be!

I could hear their footsteps behind me. I stopped outside Thomas's office. Just a couple feet away, A figure lay across the floor covered by a white sheet. I rushed over and ripped off the sheet, revealing Dj's lifeless body. I shook her, hoping she would wake up.

"Damn it Dj", I yelled. "Wake up".

Toby and many other people were at my side.

"Abigail", he said quietly. "Her heart isn't beating".

"No", I snapped.

"You can't save her. It's to late".

"No". My limbs had gone numb. I began to sob. I glanced at Toby.

"I'm sorry, Abigail". 

I turned away and let out another plea to Dj for her to come back. Toby ordered everyone to leave and that they would move the body in a few minutes. I stayed by Dj's side until Toby had to literally drag me away. I fought against him, of course. He lifted me into his arms and carried me to his bed room, where he attempted to calm me and assure me that everything was going to be fine. But I highly doubte that things were going to get better from here.


We had a funeral for Dj in the cemetery in the woods the next night. I think I was the one person who cried the hardest. Once they had placed the casket in the hole they had dug up, I went up and gave a speech.

****THE SPEECH****

"The last couple of days have been a terrible time for us all, living a nightmare that we have all struggled to come to terms with, but the one thing I can say is that Dj would be so very proud of the way that everyone has been there for each other and pulled together, united in their support.

It just goes to show that we all carry a little bit of Dj inside ourselves; that deeply entrenched natural instinct to care for one another. So, if we are looking for positives to come out of something this painful, it is that new friendships will be formed and cemented for life…and Helen would just love that. Nothing was more important to Helen than those close to her, so let’s keep close to each other and do what she would want.

 Dj is so alive in every single one of us and between us we have so many amazing memories to share, so let’s just keep sharing them and enjoying them. She would want us to be happy. Laughter always got her through all her hard times and laughter will get us through ours.

So I guess what I’m trying to say here is…and these are Dj's words, not mine, “Don’t forget to laugh and when you do laugh, don’t feel guilty because you are supposed to be mourning for me, laugh because I am still here with you all, laugh because I can hear you.” Your laughter and happiness is what keeps her alive and close to us, because it is the closest we can get to feeling her warmth.

So carry on as Dj would want you to, be strong, dedicate things to her, continue to make her proud…speak to her, speak about her, keep her close and in your heart. Let the memories of Dj put the spring back in our lead-heavy legs, let the warmth of her eyes and smile dry our tears and let her voice boom out, “Stop flipping crying you softies, you’re setting me off too!!!”

Whenever I hit rock bottom and start crying, I can never stay there for long before I start laughing as I remember ‘the good times’…so take a moment please to laugh those tears away by remembering some of Helen’s silliest moments with you. We carry her with us every day wherever we go, so to Helen from all of us here today…this isn’t goodbye, it’s just a different kind of hello!

*****END OF SPEECH*****

I could barely finish the speech for a lump had formed in my throat. Two men burried the casket under dirt. We all went back up to the mansion. I went on my own and went to Dj's bedroom. I realized that I have never seen Dj's room, I just knew where it was. I opened the door to her room and stepped into a small room. It looked like a regular teenager girl's bedroom. A desk sat under the window, a bed against the far wall, a walk-in closet, and a large dresser beside the desk.

I went over to the desk and sat in the chair. I looked around the room. I didn't know this room well, but I could feel Dj's presence still here. Watching me. Several books were set on the desk. Egyptian and Greek Mythology books.

Then something caught my eye. A folded up peice of paper stuck between the pages of one of the books. I slide the paper out and slowly unfolded it. It looked like a note writtened in Dj's messing handwriting. It was addressed to me. Dj left me a message? 


CLIFFHANGER!!!!! What does the note say? Did Dj know that she would die soon? Was her death an accident or was it murder? Find out next update.


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