Chapter 4

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Declan looked at the beautiful woman sitting across from him. She was dressed impeccably and she hadn't a hair out of place. Theodora Styles was the pinnacle of Boston society and, besides being good friends, they had dated on and off over the years. They had an understanding that they could benefit from each other by being seen around town together, and since neither one had been concerned with an actual romance it had worked beautifully.

"I was surprised that you wanted to see me since..." she trailed off, obviously uncomfortable with where she was going with the conversation.

"Why wouldn't I want to see you?" Declan asked, truly confused by the question.

"I was sure that you would be angry, that you would believe that I made you look like a fool." She sipped the drink that he had poured for her before they had taken their seats.

He smiled and shook his head. "I'm a little more secure than that Teddy."

"You never did care what others thought, did you?" She knew that some of the men that she had dated would never talk to her again because of their fear of the fact that they hadn't realized that she was gay, and that coupled with the knowledge that other people realized the same thing made them angry.

He shrugged. "I care what some people think, but not many. I count you as a friend Teddy and that's hard to come by in the circles we move in."

Teddy nodded. "Garrett says that true friends won't care that I've revealed that I prefer women, but I worry." Garrett was a mutual friend of both of theirs.

"I have always tried to be honest with you Teddy, you were who I depended on when we first met, I was navigating a new world and you helped me."

"I was glad to." She smiled as she remembered some of the fun that they had had over the years.

"Then trust me once more when I say your revelation has only made you even more popular. Sure, there are those that are closed minded about it, but they won't admit it for fear that they will be ostracized."

"It always amazed me how good you are at reading people and gauging the situation around you. I imagine it was how you knew not to push me when we were going out."

There was a knock on the door and he called for the person to enter before he responded to her.

"You're a beautiful woman Teddy, and I won't say that our relationship wasn't without its challenges."

Declan looked over at the beautiful blond that entered and Teddy followed his gaze. Her eyes darted from Declan to Teddy before a vivid blush stole up her cheeks. Teddy looked over at Declan wondering if he had made the statement on purpose, but she was unable to tell what he was thinking as the mask that she knew well dropped into place.

Teddy focused her attention back on the girl, she was impossibly young and beautiful. There was such a look if innocence about her that Teddy wanted to instantly protect her from the world. It was something that she automatically inspired in a person.

"S-s-orry," she stuttered as she started to back out of the room.

"Did you need something?" Declan asked, watching the young woman closely.

"It's not important, I'll come back."

Declan didn't bother to stop her as she turned and slowly closed the door behind her.

"Who was that?" Teddy asked as soon as the door was closed.

"That was Olivia Perry, she's staying with me until she finds her feet."

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