Chapter 20

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Livy set her bag down on the floor as she sunk into the chair, her wobbly knees finally giving out on her. It was the third time that week that she thought she had seen Velma Branch in a crowd, but this time she was sure she had seen her, and it had left her a nervous wreck. 

The first time she had thought it was her mind playing tricks on her so she didn't think too much about it, it had been a quick glance out of the corner of her eye and when she looked a second time there was no evidence that she had really seen her.

The second time she had been having lunch with Nelson and she thought she had seen her across the student center. This time when she did a double take she was still there but Nelson had drawn her attention for a moment and when Livy had looked back she was gone.

She had decided to tell Declan about it, but there had been some crisis with one of the kids that night and she had forgotten all about it. She had reasoned that it was possible that Velma was back in town for some reason other then to see her, and had thought it possible that Velma hadn't even noticed her.

But this time had been different. This time she had seen Velma as she got on the elevator that took her up to the third floor and Nelson's office. Velma had smiled and waved as the doors had closed. It had seemed as if she had been expecting her, waiting for her and that one little moment.

Livy reached into her bag and pulled out her phone with a shaky hand. She hit Declan's name and looked around her as the phone connected. She had the quick thought to close the office door for some privacy just as Declan answered.

"Livy?" He sounded concerned.

She rarely called him, especially when she knew he was working, because there was always the high likelihood that he would be in a meeting.

"Declan." She took a deep breath as she tried to control the trembling in her voice. She didn't know why she was so panicky but she had the deep fear that Velma and her son Rick would hold her hostage once again.

"Livy?" Declan's voice brought her back from the brink of a panic attack.

"I saw her, I saw Velma, the woman who ran New Hope. She was here." She couldn't help the sudden sob that escaped on the last word. "I know I'm over reacting, that there is nothing that she can do to me, but I can't help it."

"Are you sure you saw her?" he asked.

"Yes, the first two times I wasn't, but this time she waved to me."

There was a heavy silence on the other end of the line and she knew Declan was trying to weigh all of the reasons she could have reappeared, as well as trying to decide if it was worth yelling at her for not mentioning the fact that she had thought that she saw Velma.

"Where did you see her?"

"In the Science building. She was on the first floor and she waved at me as I got on the elevator. It was almost as if she knew I was going to be there." Livy realized that she was whispering.

"She probably did." Declan's voice sounded grim. "Why are you whispering, is someone with you?"

"No, but someone should be here soon, Nelson's class let out ten minutes ago." She looked over at the door.

"I'm going to come and pick you up, stay where you are."

Livy felt relief that he was on his way to get her. She knew she wouldn't feel safe until she was with him.

"Don't tell anyone about this."

"I won't." she promised as the office door opened and Nelson and Hadley entered, looking at her oddly. "I have to go," she said, trying to make her voice sound friendly and light.

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