Chapter 5

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Livy knocked softly on the study door and waited for Declan's call to enter. As she did she noticed that he was looking down at something and the lamp on the corner of the desk cast shadows across his face, giving him a menacing look.

Livy did her best to hold still as his gaze slid over her, taking in her appearance.

"Your foot seems to be healed." He commented, laying the paper he was holding in his hand carelessly on the desk.

"It is."

They stared at each other for a moment, a silent competition waging between them. Although, Livy couldn't be sure what they were competing for.

Declan eventually motioned for a chair. "You wanted to talk to me?"

Livy sank into the chair, glad of its cushioned support.

"Aren't you going to offer me a drink?"

He looked amused and she wanted to shock the look right off his face.

"Be careful, someone might think you were jealous by your tone," he teased.

"Jealous? No. Surprised that you know someone like Theodora Styles, yes." Livy had hoped that the comment would be enough to wipe the amused, but somehow still bored, expression off of his face. It didn't

"You know Teddy then?" He turned towards her. "What will you have to drink my dear?"

His carless use of the term my dear grated.

"Whiskey neat, a double, please."

She caught a glimpse of his smile once more as he turned away. It was as if he thought she was trying to play grown up and it amused him.

He handed her her drink and she took a deep sip, closing her eyes as she relished taste of the warm liquid as it slid down her throat. An appreciation of fine alcohol was something she learned from her father, and it was always a shock to people who had just met her. She also had her father's high tolerance level.

"Very good." Livy opened her eyes and caught Declan watching her, she couldn't tell what he was thinking, but she was pleased to note that the amused expression was gone.

"I'm glad that you appreciate it." He moved to the chair across from her, and she couldn't help but think that they were in the same position that he and Theodora had been in earlier. She wondered if they looked as cozy as he and Theodora had.

"How long have you known Theodora?"

"Long enough, is this what you wanted to talk about?" his voice was short, as if he had little time for idle chatter.

She shrugged. "No, not initially, but if we're going to be married, shouldn't I know about your past girlfriends?"

"No, I don't plan to ask you about your past relationships and I expect you to allow me the same privacy."

She regarded him closely. His hair had started to grow out and it hinted at the curls that he barely managed to keep tame. In the past, she had always had little time or thought for him, but now that she had spent some time with him she had noted that he always had an aurora of barely controlled energy about him. It felt as if he could snap at any moment, and for some reason she wanted to be the reason he snapped.

She had always enjoyed pushing his buttons and it seemed she still did.

"But you see there's a difference between you and me?" She took another deep sip of the amber liquid watching him.

"I'm very aware of our difference Olivia."

"Just like every other man, you only have sex on the brain." She rolled her eyes as she did her best to pretend that the thought didn't excite her just a little. She took another sip of her drink, doing her best to control her shaking hand.

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