Chapter 22

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Declan grabbed Livy's hand as they headed up the steps to Garrett and Cora's home. Just before they reached the door he stopped and looked down at her. He was a step below her and he still towered above her. Their breaths were misting around them as they exhaled.

Declan looked every inch the powerful businessman in his dark suit and dark wool coat. The only thing that was out of place was a loose curl that had dropped over his forehead. Livy reached up and brushed it back without thinking and she watched something in his eyes darken as she did.

He grabbed her hand and tucked it in his. "The reason we're here, the reason I have been so insistent about us being here is that the judge that is presiding over Rosa's case will also be here this evening. We can't discuss Rosa and I don't think that we should acknowledge that we even know who she is-"

"But she can see us as a happy couple." Livy finished as she finally understood. She looked at the closed door and took a steadying breath. At least the party was at Garrett and Cora's house so there would be a few friendly faces.

"Are you ready?"

Livy nodded and forced a smile onto her face.

"You look lovely, you made a good comeback from being covered in vomit only an hour ago," he teased.

"And no one would ever guess that you spent your few moments at home today on your hands and knees cleaning up vomit," Livy teased back.

"Perhaps this means we're fully domesticated."

"Perhaps we are, but I don't think the kids are anywhere close."

Declan laughed aloud at her joke and it changed his entire demeanor. It was a rare sight and she felt privileged to see it.

He placed his hand in the small of her back and turned her towards the door which magically opened as they approached.

"Hello Margie," Livy greeted, surprised she remembered the woman's name considering the last time he had been in the home she had been so ill. This time she was able to take in the house's beauty and it was magnificent. It was a jaw dropper. It was like stepping foot back in time.

Margie gave her a sunny smile, which was more than she had given her last time.

"Declan, Livy, it's so good to see you, I was beginning to get a little worried you wouldn't make it," Garrett said as he walked towards them with his hand out stretched. He shook Declan's hand and placed a kiss on Livy's cheek before looking over his shoulder.

"She's here, would you like me to point her out?"

"No, thanks. We'll just join the rest of the crowd. I don't want to be too obvious," Declan said as he took off his coat and then helped Livy with hers.

Cora joined them soon after and greetings were exchanged before they joined the rest of the crowd in the living room.

There were a few faces that Livy recognized, one of which was Theodora's.

Declan excused himself, leaving Livy with an older couple who she had met at a previous party and returned shortly with a glass of champagne for her. They worked the room together for almost an hour before Garrett pulled him away on some business matter.

As soon as Declan had left Theodora pulled up beside her with a charming smile. "How are you Olivia, I never get to talk to you after class, you are always so quick to get away."

Livy smiled, feeling a lot less threatened by the woman now that she had a ring on her finger. It was amazing what a little piece of metal, that marked you as belonging to someone, could do for your ego.

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