Chapter 9

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Declan helped Livy retrieve her coat and then led the way to the waiting car. The ride back to the house was done in complete silence, although he didn't seem that angry, which surprised her. Livy did her best to appear as if she was unaffected by his sudden presence by looking out of the window, but it was a wasted effort because he wasn't looking at her, he was looking at his phone. 

When they arrived, Declan opened the car door himself, too impatient to wait for the driver to do it, then he held out his hand waiting for Livy to take it. She did so with hesitation only because she was afraid not to acknowledge the gesture. He followed her up the front walk of the house, reaching around her to open the door.

As soon as her coat was removed she immediately headed for the stairs and her room, but Declan's hand clamped down on her arm. "Not so fast Livy, we have to talk." In much the same way that Nelson had done earlier, he guided her by her elbow, directing her towards the study, closing the door behind them. But whereas Nelson's touch had been a vague warm pressure on her arm, Declan's touch made her shiver just a little.

"I thought I would change first," she insisted, wanting to put off the inevitable.

"But you look lovely as you are Livy, shouldn't I, as your future husband, get as much enjoyment out of your appearance as your friend Nelson did?"

"Why do you do that?" She frowned as she sat on the edge of one of the chair across from his desk.

"What?" he asked as he untied his tie and unbuttoned his collar.

"Why are you so condescending towards me? You treat me as if I am a child."

He let his eyes travel over her for a moment before returning his gaze to her face. "You do look lovely and at the moment there is nothing childish about you, except perhaps your naivety."

"Am I really all that naïve?"

"God, yes." He rubbed his hands over his face. "Your ability to trust astounds me."

"I trust you, are you saying I shouldn't?" her voice was almost a whisper. This was the first real conversation she had ever had with the man, and there was an undercurrent to it that she was trying desperately to understand.

"There are plenty that will tell you not to." He crossed his arms and leaned against the desk, his long legs almost touching hers.

"My father trusted you." She watched as a sad smile came to his lips.

"He was one of the few people that ever has."

Livy studied him, it was the first time that she had ever seen real emotion on the man's face that wasn't anger.

"How did you meet my father?" She stood up and joined him at the desk, mimicking his stance, their shoulders brushing. For some reason, she felt the action put her on more equal footing with him, she didn't feel as if she was being lectured.

"I met him about twenty years ago. I was working on one of his ships and I became aware of...a person who was stealing from him. I informed him of the theft personally and he was thankful. After that we just sort of fell into a friendship that eventually led to his helping me in many different ways. I only hope that I was, am, able to repay some of his kindness. Without him I would have nothing." The last sentence came out strained and harsh, as if the reality of the statement was an unwelcome thought.

"And that's why you agreed to marry me?"

"That's one reason," he frowned.

"What's the other reason?"

"Oh, there are many reasons," he gave a half smile.

"Fine, what are the reasons?" She crossed her arms this time, not willing to back down. This was her life that they were discussing and she had a right to know.

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