Chapter 13

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Livy pushed wearily through the front door, closing it behind her and then looking at the stairs that seemed to be steeper than usual. She had to prepare for dinner with Garrett and his wife Cora, and she wasn't looking forward to it. She wondered what Declan would do if she tried to get out of it. He probably wouldn't believe her if she said she wasn't feeling well because he had also mentioned that Theodora was going to be there.

She forced herself forward and started what felt like an impossible climb up the stairs. Maybe a cold shower and a nap would refresh her enough to get through the evening.

Livy let her mind wander to her job as she showered. It had become tense in the past few days. Nelson, Hadley, and Landon we're all treating her with kid gloves, as if she was breakable. The good-natured teasing of the week before was gone and she was confused by the change. The only thing she could think of that could have possibly affected their dynamic was Nelson's kiss, but Nelson was just as friendly as he had always been. In fact, he was friendlier that usual and she was starting to think that her allowing him to kiss her had been a mistake.

Maybe it was the stress of what the future held? She knew that they had all hoped for a donor to come forward after the fundraiser, but as far as she knew no one had stepped up, and they only had a few months left to secure a funding source. She wondered if she should ask Declan if he could help.

When she got out of the shower she laid down on her bed and fell immediately into a deep sleep. It wasn't until she heard a knock on the door that she awoke with a start.

"Livy, are you almost ready?" Declan's voice called through the door.

Livy looked around her confused, looking at the clock she realized that she had been asleep for almost four hours. Her adrenaline kicked in and she jumped out of bed.

"Yes, I only need ten more minutes," she called, racing for her closet. She pulled out a wrap dress in a vivid red and reached for a pair of black flats. Her hair was a total loss, she brushed it back into a high ponytail before she looked at her face. Her cheeks were flushed from sleep and she really didn't need much in the way of makeup so she applied some mascara and a sheer lip gloss before reaching for a purse that matched her outfit. Switching out all of her stuff she then reached for a coat, looking at the clock once more, she felt a moment of triumph as she noticed that she had a minute to spare. It didn't last long though as she remembered a waiting Declan.

She raced down the stairs slowing her pace when she saw Declan waiting for her in the hall.

"Ready?" he asked without looking up from is phone.

"Yes," she said as she followed him towards the door. When the cold night air hit her, she started to shiver uncontrollably, the warmth of the car was welcome but it still wasn't warm enough. She cleared her throat which was dry and adjusted her position in her seat, trying to get comfortable. There was nothing that seemed to help, her legs ached unbearably.

Unable to deny it any longer, she had to admit to herself that she was sick. She should have told Declan so that she could have stayed home. She looked over at him debating whether she should tell him or not, but she didn't think that it would be very fair to Cora or Garrett who had probably planned a wonderful dinner.

Declan felt her stare and looked up at her for the first time since she had joined him, after a moment he frowned. "Are you alright Livy?"

She gave the best smile she could muster. "I'm fine."

He looked at her once more before he looked back down at his phone. "How is everything going at work?" he asked. Livy wasn't a fool, she knew he wanted to know about her and Nelson.

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