Chapter 27

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Livy waited for the driver to come around to her side of the car with an umbrella. The cloudy skies, which had suited her mood, had suddenly decided to let go and the rain was pouring down. Normally, Livy would have waited until it had let up a little, but it would have meant remaining in the car with Declan, something she wanted to avoid for fear that she would be unable to fight the threatening tears.

Declan joined her on the sidewalk and he put his arm around her waist as he took charge of the umbrella and moved in the direction of the doors of the museum. Livy wanted to push him away, she didn't understand how his touch could still affect her when she was so angry at him, but she couldn't because there were too many people around who would note the move.

Once they entered the building, Declan handed the umbrella over to a person who was waiting to receive it and brushed off the water that had landed on his shoulders. Some rain had gotten on his hair and face as well and as she looked up at him she noted that there was a rain drop on his cheek. She had to fight herself not to brush it off and that made her angry all over again. Why did her body want to betray her?

Declan's eyes caught hers and for a moment she couldn't look away. She had expected to see, either happiness at the thought of finally being able to be with Theodora or anger that she was giving him trouble again, reflected there, but instead she saw concern and hesitation, it was almost as if he wanted to say something.

Deciding that was the last thing that needed to happen for her sanity's sake, she quickly looked away and was relieved when his hand landed on her elbow and he steered her towards a waiting row of chairs at the front of the large open rotunda. There was a red ribbon across an entrance and a small stage set to the side in the front of the room.

The exhibit was a history of classical instruments and there was to be a live performance before the ribbon cutting. As she pushed her way down the aisle she realized that they were headed towards Garrett and Cora who were already seated. Livy couldn't help but think that the only person missing was Theodora, and as soon as she had the thought Cora smiled up at her and told her that Theodora was running late but would arrive soon.

Livy gave a smile that she hoped was realistic before she sat. Declan handed her a program and she took it, careful not to brush his hand in the process. She watched him as he was greeted by an older man with thick glasses and a receding hairline. The men shook hands before Declan excused himself to join him off to one side of the room for a quick conversation.

She couldn't help but think back to a little over a year previous when he had come to save her from Velma. Even though she had hated him she had been relieved to see him, and looking back she realized that had always been the case. She had always thought he was as harsh with her as her father had been but he really hadn't been.

He had always been a part of her life and, in a way, even when she was hating him she had liked him. She couldn't pinpoint when it had turned to love though. All she knew was that he wasn't what she had expected him to be, he wasn't domineering or controlling, and even though he didn't want to be married to her, he only wanted what was best for her, and wasn't that love in a way?

Cora touched Livy's arm and excused herself as well, leaving Livy sitting alone in a sea of people and it didn't take long for one of them to find her.

"Still with him? He hasn't traded you in I see." The woman who's name she recalled as being Darla sat down behind her.

Livy did her best to ignore her, but when she leaned forward to whisper in her ear she sat up and turned to look at her.

"What do you want?" Livy asked, fed up with the woman. "There is no point in what you're doing and it only makes you look cheap."

"Oh honey, I'm not the one that looks cheap." The woman let her eyes take in Livy from head to toe. "He wanted me, it wasn't about my money or youth, it was about me."

"If he wanted you so badly, why didn't he keep you?"

Cora rejoined them and gave Darla a smile as she sat. Livy turned her back to the woman and ignored her. Someone asked them all to take their seats and Garrett and Declan joined them, Declan seemed to not even notice Darla sitting behind her. He took Livy's hand in his and put it to his lips, looking at her with more of his gentle concern.

"Is everything alright?" he asked in a whisper. His warm breath on her ear and neck made her swallow hard. She wondered once more, why did his nearness have to affect her so much?

"Fine," she said between gritted teeth.

The musicians all took their place and they started to play Bach. Clenching her hands in her lap she began to think of the quickest way out of the situation she was in, not just the marriage but sitting next to Declan while others surrounded them. She'd have to wait until the music and ribbon cutting ended, but then she could make her excuse and return back to the house.

All was well until halfway through the first piece when Theodora finally showed up and sat on the other side of Declan. Declan leaned over and said something softly to her and she nodded before giving everyone on their row a smile.

Livy tried to pull her hand away from Declan's but he wouldn't let hers go, no matter how hard she tugged to be free.

"Well isn't this cozy." Darla leaned forward and whispered in her ear. It was the last straw for Livy and she yanked hard on her hand and hissed for Declan to let her go and thankfully he did.

She rose from her chair and stepped over Cora and Garrett, unable to go past Declan or Theodora.

Cora and Garrett gave her a concerned look as she refused to look at them, and once she was clear of the chairs she walked briskly to the door. She was about to push through it when she was stopped by the man who was waiting to help people who were coming and going.

"It's pouring down ma'am, shouldn't you wait?"

Livy shook her head and was pushing through the door when she felt an umbrella pushed into her hands. She took it without thinking and opened it as she began racing down the steps. She had no clue where she was going but she couldn't handle anymore of Declan until she had regained control once more.

She shook her head at the chauffeur who opened the car door when he saw her. Then she started to almost run in the opposite direction of the museum.

The street was oddly empty and had she stopped to consider the massive rainstorm that surrounded her, she probably should have been smart enough to take cover, but the rain was the least of her worries. She wanted to be as far away from Declan and all of his girlfriends as she could possibly get.

Livy was two blocks from the museum and making good time when she felt a hand clamp down on her arm and stop her. She turned to see Declan hovering over her and he was soaked to the skin.

"Why can't you and your girlfriends leave me alone. Do you really hate me that much!" she tried to push him away.

His only response was to pull her close and take her lips in a fierce kiss.

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