Chapter 25

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They didn't have to wait long for Rosa to mis-step. A week later they were in court and Rosa and her court appointed attorney did their best to try to defend her right to keep her children. It was the State's first move in attempting to remove her rights, and it worked. Rosa was found negligent and children became official wards of the state. It meant that Declan and Livy only needed to file for adoption. There was no court battle, there was no drama, and two months later the children were officially adopted by Declan and Livy.

Of course, this wasn't known by anyone but the state and close friends.

Declan had been right, none of what Velma had threatened to do came to fruition, and there was nothing she or Nelson could do to hurt them. Judge Speros had remembered them and had congratulated them at the adoption hearing, even taking a photo with them, before wishing them luck and sending them on their way, a united and whole family.

The kids had finally started to believe that it was forever and so had Livy.

She and Declan had been invited to a new exhibit reveal at a local museum that afternoon. It was a rare treat for her and Declan to be able to go out together in the afternoon. She had purchased a new dress and shoes for the occasion and she was excited to show them off to Declan.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs she heard his voice coming from the study and she headed that way with a happy smile on her face, but when she reached up to knock on the partially opened door she paused as he caught his words.

"Yes Theodora, I apologize for neglecting you." His words were followed by a warm laugh. It was the laugh that Livy loved to hear. It was the laugh that he gave when he was particularly happy with something or someone.

"Yes, it's all settled."

Livy realized that she should step away, that he was having a private conversation, but she couldn't. She only wished that she could hear the other side of it.

"I agree, I think a trip for just the two of us would be a wonderful thing."

Livy bit her lip to keep from crying out, she was listening to him plan a trip away with Theodora.

"No, don't worry, I have it all under control."

There was a pause and Livy rested her head against the door as she waited for his next words, maybe she was misunderstanding the conversation. After all, Declan had promised her that if he ever wanted out of the marriage he would let her know and he hadn't.

"You just keep the dates I mentioned free."

Livy forced herself to walk away before she burst into sobs, she quickly and silently moved across the hall where she blindly walked towards the empty fire place fiddled with the items on the mantel, rearranging them to keep her hands busy as her mind worked out what she should do. She knew what she wanted to do, she wanted to run up to her room, lock herself in, and cry her eyes out, but that wasn't an option. She had promised to let Declan out of the marriage if he ever wanted out, and by the sound of his phone conversation he must want out.

It wasn't a year yet, it hadn't even been six months and she had come to know Declan well enough to know that he wouldn't ask out earlier than the two years. He would want her to walk away with her inheritance at the very least.

She didn't understand. She walked over to the chair and slumped into it as she worried the hemline of her new dress. He had said he was interested in her, and he had shown that he was interested, but it must have all been an act. Maybe it was because he hadn't wanted to hurt her. She had come to know him over the past year and she realized that he was a very kind man, despite appearances.

But he had said that he had wanted her more than he had wanted anything in a very long time. Had he been lying?

No matter, the facts were that he hadn't taken her up on her offer to make the marriage a real one and he obviously had other plans that involved Theodora.

"Livy?" Declan asked from the doorway.

Livy jumped, not expecting to hear his voice.

"What are you doing in here?" His smile faded to a look of concern as he watched her jump up from her chair.

"I was ready early and you were on the phone." She looked over his shoulder in the direction of the study and blushed as she remembered she had been eavesdropping.

"How considerate of you."

"Are you implying that I'm not usually so considerate?" She winced as she heard her voice rise an octave.

"What's on your mind Livy?"


"You're not the least bit convincing, now out with it?"

"Does you offer of giving me my inheritance before the year is up still stand?"

His eyes narrowed and his head tilted as he regarded her. It was amazing how he changed before her eyes. All warmth left his eyes and he became the cold and shrewd Declan that she had known as a girl.


"Good, I don't want all of it, I'll only take the amount that was originally left to me in my father's will."

He was silent at her words and she eventually turned around to see if he was still in the room. He was. He was watching her intently as she started to pace.

"May I ask why you're having this sudden change of heart, what about the children?"

"They'll be fine, I'll see them often. I'll keep them while you're away, which I have no doubt will be often."

"Is that what this is about? How often I travel?" He jumped on her words and she was so relieved that he was willing to let that be the excuse that she jumped on them too.

"Yes, that's what this is about."

She sneaked a peak at him and she couldn't help but note that he looked weary.

"Should we go? We don't we'll be late." She looked pointedly at the clock.

"I figured this day would come, I had hoped it wouldn't but..." he sounded weary too.

She watched as he stood and buttoned his suit jacket, shaking the weariness off with determination. She watched his eyes and jaw grow hard as he moved to door of the living room.

"The money has already been put into an account in your name. I'll give you all of the details this evening." He walked into the hallway and Livy followed, allowing him to help her with her coat.

"This doesn't have to be nasty Declan, we can still be friends."

"Friends," he said the word as if trying it out for the first time.

"Friends." Livy nodded as if trying to convince herself.

"You've managed to hang onto your naiveite, haven't you?" Condescending Declan was back and it felt like someone had punched her in the gut.

"Yes," she said with a very false and bright smile. "You haven't managed destroy me, despite your best efforts." She wished the words back as soon as she said them. There was no need to hurt him.

His face was stony as he held open the front door for her to proceed him. "I think perhaps by your tone that I have, and I'm sorry for it."

Livy ignored him as she sailed past him and down the front steps to the car.

He could never know had badly he had destroyed her. She would have to be more careful in the future, she didn't want him to know how broken her heart really was.    

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