Chapter 8

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Part of her new job had been to help organize and plan a fundraising event for the Science department, and she couldn't help but think that the money that had gone into the lavish party would have been better spent on the department itself. But one of the higher ups had insisted that a party was necessary to make sure that they had the following years funding in place before the end of the year.

"You have to spend money to make money," Nelson had said when he had examined the invitations that she had been hand addressing. "I bet you know most of these people, don't you?" He threw the invitation he held back onto the desk. "You should enjoy the party, you'll get to hob knob with all of your friends."

"That's right, Nelson mentioned that you knew Garrett Reed. He's given money in the past, maybe he'll give some to us this year," Hadley threw out as she typed something on the computer, but her back was turned so she missed the quick look of aggravation that Nelson shot her at her comment.

Livy had paused looking at both of them, wondering what else had been discussed about her while she hadn't been present. Nelson then turned to her with his charming smile and, as usual, all of that wonderful charisma distracted her.

"I thought we could go to the party together Livy." He watched her as he asked, and his smile grew wider when she blushed.

"Ummm...would it be allowed?"

"Why wouldn't it?" he frowned.

"Well, I'm a student here and you're a teacher."

He had laughed. "No, its fine, you're not my student." He stood up and reached for his lab coat. "Think about it. But know I'm counting on you to say yes because having the prettiest girl in the room on my arm would definitely make me popular."

"So, you're just using me," Livy joked, a smile playing around her lips as she continued to address the next envelope. After a lengthy silence, she looked up at him and noted that he looked stunned at her words.

"I was joking!" she laughed.

"Do people really do that, use you?" Hadley asked off handedly as she took a sip of her coffee, turning in her seat to watch her.

"Sometimes," Livy shrugged.

"I'm off," Nelson said as he headed for the door. "Don't keep me waiting too long Livy. You might break my heart." He held his hand over his heart at he backed out of the office.

Hadley rolled her eyes at his dramatics. "You're not actually falling for that, are you?"

Livy smiled. "He's sweet."

"Sweet, who wants sweet! I'd rather have the dangerous looking man who joined us for dinner the other night. What's his story? I'm intrigued, especially when Nelson mentioned that he cleaned up well and that he left with Garrett Reed."

"He was a friend of my father's." Livy hadn't didn't to talk about it, and Hadley must have sensed it because she turned back to her work and left the subject alone.


Now, three weeks later, the party was in full swing and what Nelson had said was true. She knew most of the people who were there, Garrett Reed included.

He came in with a delicate looking redhead, who must be his new wife, and Livy watched as they worked the room. It was evident that Garrett loved his wife because she was never out of his reach, and if she said anything he leaned down to listen as if it was the most important thing in the world.

Livy felt jealousy shoot through her. That was something that she had always wanted; to be loved and cherished, not ruled and controlled. She wanted what she said to matter, she wanted to be heard.

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