Chapter 28 (The End)

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Livy looked into Declan's eyes as he broke the kiss. She looked at the rain dripping off of him and was reminded of a year ago when he had come to save her. It had been raining that night as well, but instead of seeing anger in his eyes as she had then, she saw a tenderness that warmed her soul. Suddenly, she didn't feel the rain or hear it as it pounded on the umbrella that he was holding over both of their heads.

He reached up and tucked a strand of wet hair behind her ear, letting his finger trail down her face and chin. "Please don't leave Livy," his voice was low and hoarse as he uttered the words that she wanted more than anything in the world to hear.

"You don't really want me Declan." She could no longer fight the tears as they started to stream down her face. Maybe he didn't notice, maybe he thought they were rain drops.

He reached up and wiped them away.

"I want you more than anything in the world."

"Physically maybe, but not long term, you're only honoring a promise you made to my father, but you don't have to, I'll be alright. I've learned a lot this last year. I'm all grown up now." Livy wasn't yelling and she wasn't angry. She loved the man standing before her and she realized that in loving him she only wanted what was best for him. She didn't want him to be stuck with her when he would rather be with someone else.

"Livy, I want you, body and soul. I want you sleeping beside me every night and waking up next to me every day. I want you beside me as we raise our children, both the ones we have now and the ones that we will make together."

"No, you don't, you want Theodora, I heard you on the phone, and Darlene was right, you won't want me long term. I'm not who you want, just who you got stuck with because of a promise you made to my father."

"Tell me what you heard on the phone."

"You were talking about going away with Theodora and that she needed to save the dates." She couldn't hold back the wobble in her voice.

"Yes, the dates for a meeting that she and Garrett are handling with our investors. We're opening up a new hotel and she is designing it. I'm not taking point on this one. I've decided to take my wife away, on a honeymoon."


"Yes, do you know how hard it had been for me to keep my hands off of you all of these months?"

"No, I thought you were being noble, that you didn't want to hurt me because you had no intention of keeping me." Livy was confused. "Why did you hang back when we were leaving then? I thought you were calling Theodora because you were so pleased that I was leaving and the two of you could finally be together." Livy looked at him eyes wide with confusion and Declan couldn't help but kiss her up turned lips once more as he remembered what Gabriel had told him.

"Gabriel overheard our conversation and was upset at the idea of your leaving. I told him you weren't going anywhere and he told me not to lie to him; that you told him we don't lie to people we love." He watched her as she blushed. "Did you say that?"

"Yes, she said so softly he could barely hear her over the pouring rain which neither one of them felt or heard. Did you say that about me Livy?"

Livy looked up when she heard his voice break. Declan looked scared, for the first time he looked as if he really cared what her answer might be and it gave her the confidence to speak the truth.

"Yes, Declan, I love you, that's why I have to leave." This time her voice broke on the words.

His response was to kiss her hard and when she tried to pull away he wouldn't let her go.

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