Chapter 17

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Livy sat in silence as the car sped through the dusk. Declan was driving and Raoul sat beside him in the passenger seat. They were having a serious conversation in low voices but it was completely in Spanish so Livy had no clue what they were discussing or where they were going. She wanted to ask a few questions but she was hesitant to interrupt their conversation.

The neighborhoods got increasingly worse and worse as they drove, and when they finally stopped they were in the sketchiest part of town, it was a part of town that Livy had never been to before and she felt completely out of place.

She immediately noticed the red and blue flashing lights of police cars in front of Declan's car. Raoul jumped out and immediately headed for the building in front of them, knowing exactly where he was going. Declan got out and was stopped by a police officer. Not wanting to be left behind, Livy opened her door and got out of the car on the opposite side from Declan. She stood on the sidewalk and looked around her. The building was in serious disrepair and she was surprised it was still standing, there was trash and graffiti everywhere and the smell was awful. It smelt like urine and vomit, but she wasn't sure which was the most prevalent.

A young man who was nothing but skin and bones and covered in tattoos walked up to her, he smelled as if he hadn't had a bath in weeks and when he smiled at her he was missing his front teeth.

"Hey, you're a pretty thing, we could make a little money together if you wanted?"

Livy did her best to keep eye contact with the man in an attempt to seem unafraid, even though she was very afraid, and she was relieved when Declan's arm pulled her close.

"She's mine Bug, don't even look at her."

The man named Bug took a step back holding up his hands in surrender. "I meant no disrespect Deck, it's cool."

Livy felt Declan's strength as he held her close to him, his arm was like a steel band around her waist, as if he wanted to tie her to him.

"What do you know about this?" Declan nodded his head towards the police.

"Man, she's a crazy bitch, I know it wasn't the goods because she got them from me and they were top of the line." As Bug spoke his eyes had wandered back to Livy and Declan's arms tightened more.

Livy was confused by the conversation but she was pretty sure they were talking about drugs.

"What happened?" Declan asked once again.

"I don't know and I don't care, I think one of the kids called the cops, it sure wasn't me." Bug looked over Declan's shoulder before turning abruptly and walking away.

"Was he talking about drugs?" Livy asked as Declan propelled her forward.

"Yes," he said, his voice curt.

"He was talking about it so openly and in front of the police, isn't that risky?" she whispered as they entered the building in front of them. It reeked of brunt food, sweat, and urine and Livy did her best not to show her disgust.

There were a few people sticking their heads out of their apartment doors, checking out the newcomers as they started their climb.

"No, they already know Bug and they're not interested in him today. They'll catch up to him some other day no doubt," Declan said as he put a hand out to stop her three flights up.

An older woman stuck her head out of her door and frowned at Declan. "You should be ashamed of yourself Deck, leaving those kids here. You should have taken them long ago."

Declan didn't argue with her. "Everything takes time Ms. Flagler, but I'm taking them now." He nodded to her and she made a sour expression before disappearing back into her apartment.

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