Chapter 16

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Livy looked at the figures on the paper in front of her and felt like a jerk. She had basically let Nelson get in her head and make her distrust Declan. Declan had been many things to her over the years, a friend of her father's, an annoyingly dictative authority figure, an unwelcome friend and ally, and though it seemed dramatic, her rescuer. He had swooped in and saved her when she had desperately needed to be saved, and through all of it he had never asked for anything in return.

She had no reason to distrust him and every reason to trust him.

Her father was a shrewd man and a good judge of character. Even though she had fought him, and continued to fight Declan, he had been correct in his judgement of her. She did need advisement and guidance, even though she had never wanted it. Declan had fought with her and for her, making sure that she didn't make a wrong decision and come to any harm.

Her father had trusted him with everything, why shouldn't she?

She felt her heartbeat increase and watched as her hands started to tremble as she thought about just how much she didn't mind Declan, something had changed and she liked it when he was near, she liked that he was taking care of her. She also really liked his kisses, she really liked his kisses, and she liked it when he had held her while she fell asleep.

There was a gentleness in him that she hadn't expected. He wasn't what she had expected and she felt ashamed that she had distrusted him and even more ashamed that he had known it.

Throwing the paper down on his desk, she quickly started for the study door, throwing it open. She needed to find him, she needed to apologize for the way she had acted.

She looked downstairs and couldn't find him anywhere so she started up the stairs. Their bedrooms were on opposite ends of the long hallway and she turned right and headed for his, thinking that that was where he would possibly be.

His door was open and she stopped, standing just outside the threshold but he didn't realize she was there, and she watched as he untied his tie and started on his cuff-links, noting the way his long fingers dealt easily with each one. She let her eyes wander up to his face, taking in a lock of hair that had fallen over his forehead, and she realized that he looked tired, as if he was carrying a heavy weight on his shoulders, and she hated that she might have been the cause of it.

He tugged at his shirt causing it to come untucked and as he started on the buttons of his shirt she was fascinated. Realizing that what she was doing was wrong she cleared her throat to alert him to her presence.

Declan looked over at her, but he wasn't startled as he took in her hovering figure. "I wondered how far you were going to let me get before you decided to let me know you were there."

Livy huffed in exasperation, watching as he removed his watch and laid it on the chest of drawers next to the cuff links before moving to the edge of the bed and sitting down. He patted the bed next to him before he started on his shoes.

"You're biting your lip again," he said, not looking at her.

She wandered into the room, taking it all in as she did. It was a very masculine room and it smelled like Declan, his aftershave and something citrusy. She perched on the bed next to him, his closeness making it impossible to relax.

"It bothers me that you can read me so easily." She clasped her hands in her lap.

"I'm finding it easier and easier to do, believe it or not." He sat up turning slightly towards her.

"Why do you think that is?" she asked, curious to hear the answer. Wondering if it was the same for him as it was for her.

"Because I'm learning to read the woman not the girl," his voice was husky and low as his gaze dropped to her lips.

They were silent for a moment and Livy felt her heart speed up and her breathing grow heavy.

"What did you want to talk to me about, I take it that's why you tracked me down?" He looked up meeting her eyes.

"I wanted to say I was sorry for doubting you, I didn't really doubt you, but when you mentioned that the amount of my inheritance had changed..." she shrugged. 'I'm sorry," she finished lamely.

He gave her a consoling smile. "It's alright Livy."

"No Declan, it's not. I trust you completely and I don't want you to think that I don't."

He gave her a thoughtful look while he weighed his next words. "What do you want Livy?"

She looked at her hands. "I'm trying to figure that out, but I would like for us to get married."

"What if I told you that I would give you your inheritance without us marrying? That I'll write you a check and let you walk away tomorrow?" He watched the confusion as it chased across her face.

"Can you do that, have you been able to do that this entire time?"

"I have enough money to cover it. I have always thought that your father's plan for your inheritance was unfair to you. I will personally pay you your inheritance out of my own money."

"Why would you do that? Do you want me out of your life that badly."

"No, I want you to stay that badly." He rubbed his face with his hand. "I need you to stay that badly."

"I don't understand?" She watched him with concern. "I'm guessing it isn't because you've found yourself madly in love with me." Her heart broke a little at her own joke, realizing that she wished it was true. "Are you in some sort of trouble?"

"No, I'm not, but there are a few things-" His phone beeped and he picked it up looking at the screen with a curse before standing and starting to re-button his shirt.

"Things could get ugly and I need you to be willing to be here. I know it all sounds cryptic but it's a long story and I don't have the time now. All I need to know is if you're willing to stay or if you would rather go."

"I would like to know what I'm getting into if I stay. I want to help you and I'm willing to stay, but only if I understand fully what I'm getting myself into."

He looked over at her and smiled. "Good for you Livy, I'm proud of you, your looking before you leap."

"What happens to my money if I don't claim it, does it go to you?"

"No, it goes to a few different charities."

"Is what you need help with so important that you would give up that much money?" she watched as he put his shoes back on and reached for his suit jacket.

"I'd give up everything I have Livy." He looked at her, his eyes meeting hers and she could see nothing but sincerity.

Raoul appeared in the doorway. "Did you get the message?"

"Yes, you'll need to come with us Livy. It's the best way to let you know exactly what you would be getting yourself into if you did decide to stay."

Looking from Declan to Raoul, she couldn't help but realize that whatever the situation was it was serious, but she knew asking a lot of questions would slow them down.

"I'm ready, I can grab my stuff on the way out." She stood following Declan and Raoul down the stairs.

She had a feeling that her life was about to change forever and nothing would ever be as simple as it had been.

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