Chap. 1

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Harry POC:

I woke at the sound of a knock at the door. Aunt Petunia. Was calling us to start making breakfast.
"Come on Perce it's time to wake up," I said shaking the sleeping boy next to me. He groaned but other than that he made no sound. He opened his green and looked at me yawning silently. His jet black hair was messy just like me.
"We get to make breakfast for Dudley's birthday," I said with false enthusiasm. He merely rolled his eyes at me but began to get dressed anyway. I often felt sorry for my twin. Unlike me were I could hide what made me a freak, Percy would forever be debilitated because of what made him a freak. He had a scar on his neck right above his Adams Apple it was large like a burn mark. The Dursley's said they had both gotten their scars from the car accident that killed their parents but what kind of accident can leave a scar like Percy's? After both boys were dressed they went to start breakfast. Harry remembered how when they were little he often asked Percy if his scar hurt he always said that he didn't feel it but Harry would often see him grimace whenever he swallowed or he would rub the scar almost like it was habit. I jerked himself out of his thoughts when he felt Percy shaking his shoulder. I instantly felt guilty. How long had he been trying to get my attention? I shook my head to clear my thoughts.
"What's wrong Percy?" I asked. He huffed and signed that the eggs are done and I might burn them if they stay on the stove any longer. I helped and pulled the eggs off the stove. He smiled and shook his head in amusement. He had finished the bacon long ago. He took the food over to the table and gave everyone their breakfast. I noticed Percy took just a little less than me so I could have more. Even when he couldn't help it he was always helping others before he helped out himself. Percy saw me staring and quickly signed/asked if I was ok.
"Yeah I'm fine Percy let's eat," I told him. Dudley was about to throw a tantrum because he didn't get as many presents as last year. Percy was watching in silent amusement. If he could laugh I'm sure he would be on the ground by now. Then the phone rang and Aunt Petunia went to get it when she came back she looked upset.
"Mrs. Finch broke her leg she can't watch them," she said gesturing with her head towards the twins. Percy's once joyous look was gone and he looked sad. I knew he really liked Mrs. Finch because she also knew sign language so he could at least hold a conversation with someone other than me.
"Well then what are we going to do with them?" Uncle Vermon asked.
"Well they can both come with as long as they don't do anything stupid," Aunt Petunia replied, "I don't want to come home to find the house in shambles." Disdain was dripping from her voice. Percy signed that they would be good but of course no one but Harry and Dudley noticed.
"Dad look!" Dudley cried, "Stupid one is doing something with his hands!"
"He's not stupid!" I yelled startlingly everyone, "He's mute you idiot and for the record all he said was that we wouldn't cause any problems!" I was shaking with anger Percy tapped my shoulder and signed that I should calm down before I do something I regret. I nodded.
"Yeah your right Percy," I said sitting down. Every since the Dursley's had found Percy was a mute Dudley had been making fun of him. He always said that he was just too stupid to talk and that's why he constantly teased him. When in fact Percy was one of the smartest kids at our school.I often felt bad for him. Percy didn't really know anyone else who knew sign language so he had to take all the beatings all the hurtful words and he had to take it with out complaint. Harry knew that Percy was actually really sarcastic and light hearted not a push over like most believed.

Line Break.

I looked over at Percy we were in the reptile house at the zoo. Percy had to wear a scarf in public to hide the horrible scar.The Dursley's had ended up bringing the twins with them in spite of Harry's outburst. Dudley had just ran away from a exhibit to find something else. In the large cage was a snake that appeared to be sleeping. Percy put his hand on the glass gently. He must know what it's like to have everyone except one thing from you and the to suffer in silence because you didn't provide it. I then voiced these thoughts to Percy and the snake. Then the snake looked up at us.
"I know exactly what you mean amigo," he/she said.
"Wait did you just hear the snake talk?" Percy asked then slapped his hands over his mouth his eyes wide. I don't blame him at the moment I looked like a slapped fish.
"More importantly did you just talk!?" I asked while trying to yell. Percy opened his mouth then closed it again but no noise came out he rubbed his neck and signed that he didn't know. All while this was happening the snake was chuckling at our antics.
"My name is Rita and you are?" She asked.
"Well I'm Harry and that's my twin brother Percy," I told her.
"If I may ask have either of you been to Brazil by any chance?" She asked the hope clear in voice. Percy shook his head.
"No why do you want to know Rita?" I asked her but before I got my answer both me and Percy were pushed to the ground by none other than Dudley.
"Mum! Dad! You have to see this snake and what it's doing NOW!" Dudley yelled. Rita shrank back in fear at the pink faced boy in front of her. Then all of a sudden Dudley fell into the enclosure and barely missed Rita. She slithered out of the enclosure. Glad to finally be free.
"Brazil here I come thanks amigos," she said. And with that she left.

Line Break.

Harry and Percy were both locked in their cupboard. Both hungry and upset. The only difference Percy had fallen asleep ages ago I however couldn't. I couldn't get the thought out of my head that Percy spoke. It wasn't really him speaking though. Even if he spoke he spoke like Rita and even though she still was talking she still sounded like snake. I shook my head one last time before going to sleep.

AN: just so you all know in this book both Percy and Harry are Demigods. But that will be revealed later after the war with Voldmort and there is no Perbeth I know I know but honestly I'm giving you Harry and Ginny. Percy is not going to have any love interests in this story. If that's what you want then go read another story.

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